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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by abntroop

  1. yeah, that's just the way of it. My goal was do do nothing more than try and fill a need that is currently in high demand on three seperate forums. I can totally understand where reinone was coming from, but frankly to jump in, jump my butt, make a big to-do about how he was going to take care of everyone and then dissapear. well.. at the end of the day i just don't have much use for that kind of crap, and it sucks because now no one gets boots. Ridiculous.. I'm sick of that mentality and the politicking.
  2. sorry guys, I'm hands off on this project. I was looking into doing a run and reinone hopped in and shut me down. we got it all sorted out between us as he thought that my using hius boot as a template was like ripping off his work, and it was his brainchild yada yada so he took over started a thread on TDH and then dissapeared, so it's pretty much dead over there as well and no one gets boots. I'm just not interested enough in the potential drama to start my thread back up. Hopefully he'll come back and finish the job for everyone...
  3. yeah, sorry guys, I've been meeting and calling folks all around the portland/ vancouver area, and most of these places don't have the equipment to do these injection moulded soles, let alone to do the high heat pressure moulding of the boot onto the sole. the couple that could.. well, lets just say the price wasn't doable. Upside being, is that with me trying to make this happen, word got around and Reinone has stepped back up to the plate and is working on doing another run, and possibly doing the barc and marine boots. not sure if those boots will work out, but at least he has patterns for the jango boots, and molds for the soles already. check out the thread in the jango area on the dented helmet for further info.
  4. yep, sorry bud, the likelyhood of these boots being between 200 and 300 is strong. When reinone did the small run of replica jango boots which mine are, they fell into that price bracket, but obviously I'm gonna try and get us the best deal. Custom boots cost bucks when you're not offering them on a large scale to a broad market. combine that with the fact that these soles are injection moulded, not cast standardly, which ups cost and makes it more difficult as you then have to find a bootmaker with the correct equipment to not only reproduce, but be able to fabricate different sizes. mine are size 10's and in the end, that might end up being the only size being offered as over the years I've seen more requests for size 10's than anything else and that way the size 9's and 9.5's will still be within range to wear them comfortorably. The other thing to realize about this boot, is that the soles arent stitched on, they're glued on with very high pressure. yet one more obstacle to overcome with the bootmaker. Either way, i have appointments set with three local outfits over the next two weeks, and a pair of boots in hand for them to look at and a list of what we need, so it'll be an issue of seeing what they can do, and what i can wrangle price wise. once I have better info for folks to think on, then we'll decide if this project is a green light go or not.
  5. also feel free to post this on CTN in the GM section. I'd like to try and get everyone coming to one board for organizations sake. one can dream anyway
  6. yep, just updated this thread over on TDH, and an update here, if the run does go through I'll push for jango colored boots and the other boots will be white with a tan sole so that they can be used for both Barc troopers and Galactic marines. either way, details will need to wait until i meet up with the bootmaker next week and chat w. him.
  7. dunno man, I'm meetin with the boot maker next week, so we'll talk details then. i figured probably sizes10 and 11 for sure, maybe 9.5's and 10.5's I'm hoping ther'll be enough folks of one or two sizes to keep it at that and to keep costs down. otherwise costs get tacked on and the boot price goes up.
  8. hey guys seems like footwear is one of the biggest hurdles for jangos all around the world. I have a pair of reinones and am currently poking my nose around town to see what it would cost to have replicas made. The barc trooper boots have the same kenneth cole pit crew sole, so I figure if I can wrangle the logistics up and do a run of 20-50-100 pairs of each (jango and Barc) it'll justify the effort and cash involved. anywhoo, i just wanna gauge interest on how many folks would be interested. just pipe up on this thread. i figure the boots will probably run in the range of 250-350 a pair so think hard on that before piping up. I'll plan on doing half the run in standard jango black and bluish purple, and the other half will be exactly the same just in tan so you'll still have to do some modification to the boots, but at least you'll have a nice comfy boot with the correct sole which pretty much no longer exists. heres pics of my reinone boots, so picture the same boot, just in tan and thats the plan.
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