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Tony t

501st Pathfinder
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About Tony t

  • Birthday 01/13/1969

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  • Gender
  • Location
    hastings U.K
  • Interests
    Many interests.<br />Always been into sifi<br />Love building things, kits, costumes, cars(real ones),<br />RC planes. DVDS, reading, surfing the net

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
    TB 3183
  • 501st Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Sorry thought i read some where that it was one rivet as shown per screan shots. if im wrong i stand corrected SC instructions do also show two rivets for strap to the belt
  2. Just one point Its One Rivet for Lancer Not two as in SC instructions
  3. Super weapon.
  4. RE FB chat i checked out you thread. Totaly amazing build. So much dedication and hard work. If you go into business making lids you will wipe out the competition (not to mention make a mint lol)
  5. nice job on the boots
  6. Hi guys Can anyone help? I want to make my lid as screan accurate as possible so i would like to get a speedglas 9000 series head band for my lid but the only company i can find that sells them is in the US, and dosn't ship over seas. Dose anyone know where i can get one in the UK? Or could one of you guys in the US get one send it on to me over here in the uk Will pay up front if need be Thanks guys Tony The company is air gas.com Product is 3M speedglas headband and mounting hardware Part number H0304-0656-00
  7. Hi guys iv just joind BSN. Great site very informative. Anyway Since the discovery of the vest has come to light it occured to me that maybe the reason that the origional undersuit cant be discover is that it may not be a compleat suit. Could it be a dungeree ? or even some type of jodpher or riding britches? I know that there is long sleaves maybe this could just be a long sleave top with the vest over. Also having the sude patch could it be equestrian ware rather than motorcycle You may be thinking im talking a lot of Bull This is just my thinking and open to being corrected Anyway its food for thought Love to hear other opinions As i say im new to this forum Keep trooping Tony
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