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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Letha

  1. Exactly, having everything in there loosely wasn't the thing I wanted it to be. Plus, some kids saw keys, wallet etc. and were really dissappointed. I used very cheap press board (don't know if the translation is correct, sorry!) for the covers. It's 0,3 cm thick. For the "walls" I used maple shelf-board wood, we just had lying around at home. I guess, you could do it better, but I'm satisfied for being this a spontaneous, one-day idea :-D
  2. Thank u very much! Putting in Trading cards and stickers is a very nice idea. Can't wait to get asked again and pull out my new imperial lunchbox, hehehe!
  3. Thanks! Stickers are a very good idea. Will put them in, too
  4. Hopefully this is the right place to talk about my little idea / project I built over the last days when I had time. I only did two troops in my new Scout armour but everytime I got asked dozens of times by kids what I do have in my pouches. To not disappoint them and keep up the "illusion" I usually say "ammo and food rations". But I only had foam material in it. Often, kids see the foam and actually ARE disappointed. DAMN! But I can't just say, "it's foam". I want to be a "real Star Wars" character for the kids. That's what they LOVE! So I decided to build an ammo box and a some kind of an "Imperial lunch box" Here we go: You can open it of course. It's closeable with small magnets: So I will put in some cookies or something and wrap it in aluminum foil, so the kids can have some "real Star Wars food", hehe! I also used an old Nerf-Gun-ammo mag for my new Scout-pouches-ammo-mag: I know it has nothing to do with accurate movie props, it's just to make kids a little bit happier and keep up the magic. What do u think? :-)
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