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501st Legion (RES)
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About iTrooper

  • Birthday December 29


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  • Interests
    Troopin, Computers, World Domination (but only on Weekends)

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Southern Cross Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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350 profile views
  1. In and out like a Scout!
  2. It seems like forever ago that we were hanging out in the lobby of the hotel at the Rose Parade. :( Those were the days. Just wanted to say hi. :)

  3. I MISS YOU!!!! and those days we got to hang out with each other at the Rose Parade.

  4. Webmaster deluxe! We wuv ya V'ip!

  5. You're the Best Vixx!

  6. iTrooper


    Congrats Brotha! wessa proud of ya!
  7. Wow, that's looking good PGHFett. Phisto has a point though, how are we gonna stop it from swinging about? I can only guess velcro or something, but we know how much we all love velcro :: sarcasm ::
  8. That's beautiful work there pghfett! I'm filling up with anticipation and excitement!
  9. He can't see a thing in that helmet HAHAHAHAH Looks great, looking forward to seeing you product the armor as well.
  10. Does anyone have a photo of this white barc trooper from this issue 84? I'm sure we'd all love to see that, cuz if it does exist, we'd have a legit reason to be white barcs.
  11. The German Jumpsuit looks damn good, it's fooshizzle!
  12. Hmm, speaking of Jango boots, I can't bloody find any here in Australia for my Jango costume. Anyway.....
  13. Yeah, seems almost close enough. Ain't armor research FUN!
  14. It's going to be totally awesome to go on a Troop wearing BARC armor. ::: Mouth waters in anticipation :::
  15. That's what I bloody said, the hump and back are one piece now. Go wipe some bugs off yer visor. ECHO! Echo! ....!
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