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501st Legion Member
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About Daetrin

  • Birthday 05/23/1968

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    Seattle-ish, WA

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  • 501st Garrison
    Garrison Titan
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  1. Yeah, the other problem is it's not mine 😉 j/k - looks fantastic!
  2. So basically to be clear, my IOC boots are OK? Mine are L1 vinyl, not L2/L3 leather. They look like they'll work, but want to be sure. No zippers/buckles at all, and best part they were like $70.
  3. The thread you're looking for his here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=6231 Alas, there is no official one on the 501st site yet, but it's what we have. I can look through the old approval threads on the Legion boards and see if I can come up with some visual referneces for approved BARC troopers, as there are some somewhere.
  4. The Battlefront game identifies this as a Republic DC-15x Sniper Rifle.
  5. Thanks Andi - you rock
  6. Are there any better pictures of what is seen in the game, e.g. screen caps, dimensions, etc.? You have to admit this is pretty cool. (a scout sniper taking aim at C5)
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