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501st Legion (RET)
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4505Marcel last won the day on January 7 2016

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693 Excellent

About 4505Marcel

  • Birthday 09/11/1973


  • Member Title
    DL Emeritus

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Norfolk UK
  • Interests
    Shooting fire arms, Koi carp

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  1. Thanks bro, I’ve done over 10 years in the legion and I believe 6 of those as detachment leader here. This place will always have a place in my heart, worked with some great guys and did some great troops which will stay with me forever. But I fell out of love with the trooping mainly due to my trooping circle of friends at war, and then got really busy building my family home and my day job. ive thought about this over the last year, and made the decision to hang up my bucket. but troop on, keep this place awesome and love to you all
  2. Hello troopers, Jim’s wife has asked I post this on here and also over at special opps. The letter also has times and dates for his funeral. Saddens me that cannot be there in person, Jim was a good friend. Hopefully some of you guys can I am so touched and comforted by the outpouring of love and respect for my beloved husband Jim. He talked all the time about the folks he was helping in the Legion, and we met many of you together. It’s been wonderful to hear from those that we never got the chance to meet, but that Jim had close relationships with online through the forums. From the minute he found the 501st Jim was home. We were in the Corpus Christi area at the time and we were welcomed into that little local Legion family by Adam Pogo and Matt Westerfield. Soon Danny Carvajal joined the gang and we had so much fun trooping with those guys. The first troop Jim did was pretty epic for the first time out of the gate: He was the Shadow Storm Trooper as he and Pogo swept through the Corpus Christi Caller Times newspaper offices causing quite a stir! Jim was so stoked to be one of the “bad guys doing good”; I believe it was less than a month after being accepted that he went out and had a Shadow Scout bucket and his Legion ID number tattooed on his leg. The Biker Scout came about pretty quickly after that and Jim took him out for the first time for a Ronald McDonald House charity event- it was a hit, the kids loved it. Since moving to the DFW area we made many more friends in the Legion and Jim added more costumes, as well as taking on leadership roles within the Spec Ops and Pathfinders detachments. He helped many troopers become Legion members, including Cheyenne Dreiling. Jim contacted on the Cheyenne on the forum when he saw she was in the area and interested in becoming a Pathfinder. Jim helped with her biker scout build, we shared many dinners together and Jim and I both have told many folks Cheyenne is our adopted daughter. Jim helped anyone who asked with costume and weapons builds, he truly enjoyed helping others and passing on his knowledge. I know that just before he passed he was helping to build a CRL for a new character, one of several that he has helped put together, and he really enjoyed it. I just want all of you to know how much it has meant to see your kind words about my husband, and to hear from you how much Jim meant to you. I was trying to like every comment and respond to all the posts, but y’all just overwhelmed me- in a really good way. God bless you all. I understand a patch run has been put together in honor of Jim with profits benefiting charity; he would have appreciated that very much. I’ve seen the patch face and it’s perfect, thanks to those of you who had a hand in designing it. Memorial Services in Arlington will take place at 2:30 pm Saturday, February 17 at Wade Funeral Home at 4140 West Pioneer Parkway. There will be a separate service on Sunday February 11 at the church where Jim and I were married: St. Andrew Lutheran at 7420 FM 2673 Canyon Lake, TX 78133; we’ll be in the activity building to the left of the sanctuary. I would be honored if those Legion members who are able to attend either service would come in costume. Jim would love that. Thanks again to all of you. In Love and Peace, Darleen Griffin
  3. Truly truly gutted and speechless, Jim was an amazing genuinely passionate guy. Certainly a right hand man when I ran this detachment for all those years, always there willing to help. Rest in peace brother, thoughts are with his family Gutted
  4. I do my spacings 25mm or 1"
  5. Well done trooper
  6. I use the same for both, a heavy weight COTTON drill or twill
  7. Welcome to the nut house
  8. I get mine from cj marine south england
  9. Thank you for your service mate, you shouldn't feel the need to apologise for anything. Asmuch as we love this place, we must remember this is a hobby and un paid at that. Real life is more important, which is why having a good team on here is the key. All staff are equal in my eyes, and the ship will still run true, even when one can't be there 100% of the time. Your Still a pathfinder at the end of the day, and were family
  10. Finished picture is on page 4 post #70 Probably going to sell this on rather than mold now, haven't got the time to do it
  11. Welcome to staff guys
  12. You could also loose a tiny bit of the flare also, to get the sleeves a little bit more fitted. Again an easy inside out stitch
  13. Welcome to the forum Adam
  14. Welcome to the forum Lee
  15. I make them if you want to drop me a PM
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