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DL Emeritus
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Chex last won the day on March 1 2017

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About Chex

  • Birthday 03/22/1974


  • Member Title
    DL Emeritus

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
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  • Location
    St Augustine, Fl
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Comic books, toy collecting, anime, drawing...basically being a kid at heart.

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    Florida Garrison
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  1. It's been one hell of a year here. 2016 saw some changes, that's for sure. We rolled out the ARTs, we saw more merch then ever before (and more to come), and we added a new costume to the Pathfinder arsenal! With that said, I bid you all farewell as your Detachment Leader. It's been an interesting and tiring year. I wasn't as active as I stated I would be, and for that I'd like to apologize to everyone. It certainly wasn't my intent. I didn't expect life to get in the way as much as it did. I can't thank the staff enough for the work they put into this year. I'd have been lost without Mickey picking up my slack and carrying it all through out the year. From the CRLs, to just being there for our members..thank you from the bottom of my heart brother. Thanks to Mickey and Chef for getting more Lancers approved this past year then we've seen in a long time. Daniel killed it as a PRO and John helped put out more merch to members then ever before. Jim and Cheyenne kept the ship running smoothly. Grumpy kept the Kashies in order as well. The armory team did a great job as well! And Andrew and Daniel worked a ton to get the Shore CRL done. So I'd like to clear some things off my chest. Mainly, the Shoretrooper, and how it ended up here. First off, I've never been one to play politics..I hate it, because I hate seeing friend go up against friend and see things get nasty when they don't need to. So when it came time, I honestly thought the Shore would end up in it's own detachment. So when that wasn't going to happen, I, and many other felt it's place was here. Now there were some on staff that didn't agree, but no family is always going to agree on everything. For me, it just made more sense here. So we put our foot forward, and went to work. Now some may think, that we were shady in how we went about it. You say shady, I say we just went to work. We may have flown a little under the radar, but we did nothing wrong. I'll always agree that membership should be involved. They were, to a certain extent. We had a group that, due to certain armor, chose to keep a lot of info off the boards, and in a closed group. They were pro Pathfinder, and it enabled us to really work to develop the CRL. There were those that pitched a fit when it's home ended up with us. They then chose the low road. Bashed this detachment every chance they got, made jokes, asked us to delete their membership even. All...over...a...costume. This is why I hate politics and the sillyness that people resort to. I digress though. So if anyone needs to hate anyone for this, by all means, hate me. But don't hate this proud detachment, and don't hate the people who help run this place. We got the costume, and so far we've made a good home for it, and Chef and his staff will continue to make a good home for it. We've def moved this detachment forward in the past year I feel. Yes, our bread and butter is the Scout, and always will be. That is the heart and soul of this detachment. The Kashyyyk, White Kashyyyk, and now the Shore even out the costumes we have, and who knows what the future will bring us. The Rebels animated scout will join us soon enough, and we can only hope that Ep 8 or 9 will give us a First Order Scout. Our members dictate that pace, and although we may not be the biggest detachment, I like to think that we've got more heart. Look at yourselves, and then look at your CS, and you'll see it..and if you don't, then don't be afraid to let us know how we can help you see what we see. Rob, we've known each other for quite some time. I know you bleed scout, and I know you'll be a good DL. You have a bevy of resources to help you through out 2017. You'll do a fine job brother. Of that, I have no doubt. And I've talked, or typed way too much. So thanks for a great year, and here's to a great 2017 for the Pathfinders! Thanks, Michael "Chex" Lawton
  2. Also, we'd need to see close ups of your boot soles, bund and pouch stitching as well.
  3. Sup Ace. My boots have been from Target. You're gonna need to paint the soles if you wwnna go lancer, but the boots are generally comfie. You might want to add insoles that make thrm easier going on your feet. Also stay away from any kind of steel toe boot. I used E6000. Remember, this is Florida so the heat and lots of trooping can cause problems eventually. Make sure you take your boots inside so that they're not always in the heat. I don't keep my boots in my bin due to that. Also, when you're gluing, use a popsicle stick to spread the glue all over and evenly.
  4. Looking good! You guys rock!
  5. Calling all Pathfinders. The Command Staff and I would like to congratulate TB 85421, aka gmrhodes13, Glen Rhodes on a solid build, and here by promote him to Lancer. Great job Glen!!! Now get out there and make us proud!
  6. Sharp looking scout! Is your button flap bunching, or is it just short?
  7. Thanks for updated pics. Boots are definitely good now. The pic looks off for some reason. Your left bell looks small compared to the right, which is causing it to show way too much sleeve. That right drop box still looks to not be even with the left. Is this just a shifting issue? Constantin, can you confirm since you're working with him?
  8. Calling all Pathfinders! We're proud to welcome Tristan, TB 73187 aka tristancraig, to the Lancer ranks! Well done, well deserved. When you get a chance, get a good pic to Mickey so you can be added to the Lancer page. Congrats, and welcome to the club!
  9. Well you don't need to have a blaster to get your costume approved. You just need it for Lancer. I'm sure some of our members who utilize 3d printing can chime in on a good file to use, if possible.
  10. Lancer submission threads are for the applicant and CS posting only. All other posts will be deleted, as I've just done. If anyone has issues with how we judge Lancer applications then they need to take it up with a member of CS.
  11. Congrats, and just like Mickey helped you, we wxpect you to pay that advice and help forward as well. Good job and thanks for being patient with us, and making changes we asked of you!
  12. But Ginos pics aren't readily available to be seen by all, so we go buy what we can tell from the resources we have available to us. Also, please refrain from commenting on others Lancer submission threads. They are for applicant and review team only to post.
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