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PFD Recruit
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About shenphong

  • Birthday 03/02/1986

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  • Location
    San Jose/Modesto, CA
  • Interests
    SW and bikes... pretty much what a Scout Trooper is all about.

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  1. yep, got new photos up removing it.
  2. good catch! The webbing in the back for the drop boxes are actually mixed around and need a few fixes. They currently are just pinned in place. You can say I wanted to rush into getting it done and submitted then finalize it later since I plan to disassemble, weather and then reassemble.
  3. Thanks, tucking in the pants into the boots more would actually "tighten" up the look of it more, we're going to sew elastic on the ends of the pants so that when I wear them, I pull it down as well instead of letting it bunch up at the top like that.
  4. I've been cataloguing my Scout (TB) build for 501st entry for the past few months and today, finally submitted my application shots. I'll be adding my photos and wip shortly to the thread but would like to begin it with my submission photos along with photos "just for fun" with my DLT-19. Please excuse the wampa wear tag on my glove, gotta photoshop that out! Breakdown of items: Armor: Studiocreations (SC) Helmet: SC Gloves: Wampawear Body Suit: Redkap with mods Flak Vest: T-shirt stitched up Boots: Target workboots with marine vinyl Weapons: HFX (Hyperfirm) I will be providing details shortly as to how items were made and basic cost soon for those interested.
  5. I would love a link to a tutorial if possible too, took a search but wasn't able to find much.
  6. Color me interested, I'm all for kit versions (I love to build them myself...sort of your own touch) and am in need for a helm.
  7. All velcro has been stripped and starting too use goo gone to remove the adhesive mess on the affect parts. As my gf also states "why would anyone staple these straps on!?" I can see why the guy ended up giving up. Luckily, wet sanding and polishing is fairly easy to me after working on motorcycle fairings for 8-9 some odd years.
  8. Hey thanks for chiming in! I just met up with the guy again today. He left me an email asking if I just wanted the rest of the stuff (xxl flightsuit and cummerbund, another set of boots, supplies, etc) so I stopped by and let him know what I found out. He did mention that it is a mix of parts and none were recasts. He also mentioned that he bought it over 7 years ago so I figured it was an older mold and pointed out on the SC website that another scout troopers back portion also had that square and must have been from an older mold. As far as the T bits not sitting flush on the arm part, he gave me the envelope it came in and it is from the UK, from a Richard Hughes if that rings a bell so they were not "made" specifically for the armor which will explain the fit. Its just amazing itself to search up all the history behind this armor kit itself. I'll be building this for a rough and tough trooping and will be saving up to buy an SC kit for display. Definitely will be contacting you though SC for some replacement bits on here such as the back and hump piece etc. I know a bit about AP, TM, ATA etc variations of TK armor, but still am having a hard time finding direct comparisons of SC, Moncal, FX type scout trooper comparisons.
  9. That is true, its just velcro that I've removed.
  10. Thanks for the advice, I would have never noticed that. I understand, so it should be flipped so both "flat" areas are pointing to my back. They are glued but can be taken apart so I'll just flip them around. Lol the flush thing is bothering me though but I may have to live with it. Do people usually velcro or glue them on? I still have quite a bit of E6000 glue I use for my stormtrooper armor and I thought I'd use with the scout but doesn't seem to be very much to glue on the scout if anything.
  11. I currently have 2 rubies, just had one of them on for the pic. Figure I'd just end up selling/trading them as its too much of a project for me to work on them while I'm working on my other armors as well. Definitely looking to replace the back/tank and topper. I did also get enough parts for two TDs for the back so no worries on that although I am trying to find a more definitive answer on the greeblies for the TD (I've seen pics where they are plain then pics with 3 squares and a black disc on them, and others very detailed) The belt is definitely to long. It was built to his size so I had to hold it up for pics. Luckily my gf can sew so we're actually in the midst of shortening it. The rest of the armor appears quite good aside from some shoddy cutting and velcroeing/strapping. Ended up selling the flight suit, tk neck cover, and gloves real cheap to a member on another forum so total spent on what I've kept is something around $40-50, definitely a steal with whats there (belts, helmet, and armor). Going to contact sitharmor for some gloves and looks like the wheels are moving on the rest of the suit except for the helmet. The only real problem I am having with what to do with the armor are the arm/elbow pieces where the T-resin pieces fit into. The black T resin pieces are nicely done but do not sit flush on the armor spaces where they go. I figure I'll either sand down the armor or the resin piece but do not wish to replace it all together.
  12. Hey, I'll get some better pics up probably in the next few days. The marks on the armor are just marks from being in storage, something like the sticky stuff that attaches the laminated junk mail you get. No I did not pay much at all for the armor pieces though, the helmet is definitely rubies and was thrown in for free. I'd still like to get a much more accurate scout helmet though and go on from there. I am fairly new at examining pics side by side between MC, SC, KS and such, much more familiar with TK stuff so this is definitely a helpful learning experience. All in all, everything included was a set of gloves, the armor, the rubies helmet, a stormtrooper neckseal, flightsuit, boots that look to be pretty well done (going by the tutorial posted on the site here) with holster attached and contact info for a local 501st who he had mentioned did it for him, and lastly cummerbund. Sadly most do not fit me as I am 5 foot 6 and about 155-160 lbs while he was a size XXL and about 5 foot 8. Boots were also to big by a good 2 sizes, but I figure I could salvage the holster from it if anything. Everything together came out less then what you'd pay new for a rubies scout helmet so hoping it was a good enough deal.
  13. The topper scared me too...It was the first thing that I took off once I got it, that and the actual tank with the huge seam through the bottom of it. The armor itself looks relatively good though and is made of fairly thick ABS much like my AP stormie. I'll be removing all of attachments, wetsanding many of the cuts, and will be polishing up the armor as much as possible or may go ahead and paint it as I've worked in a number of motorcycle shops that'll do the paint fairly cheap for me now. Either way, the quick mock up really impressed me and I have to admit I love the look more so then I do the stormtrooper. After browsing the forum, I do believe the complete belt to be MC and the separated belt to be SC but figure I could be wrong since I'm still new at this. The armor (he had mentioned) was an older version of SC but I could not find any pictures of the tank with the large seam/gap going through the bottom of it like the one shown in my pictures so I am unsure.
  14. Hey guys, strangely enough I was able to save up recently to purchase my scout armor and had found a seller on craigslist which was as surprised as I was he had found a buyer only minutes away. Long story short, I got an incredible deal on a set of armor and was just wondering if anyone out there may be able to identify it. The seller was someone who had just lost their job at a tech company out here in the bay area and has had the armor in storage for a few years now. He could only tell me he pieced it together after several years and still thought it was more then he could handle pointing out the roughly cut out holes and shoddy velcro work. Armor looks to be a set where as the completed belt/hip boxes were done separately. (excuse my imperial gunner/tie pilot get up, currently getting a new scout jumpsuit and cummerbund ordered)
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