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501st Pathfinder
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About shadowmantis

  • Birthday 09/15/1980

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    South Carolina

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Carolina Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Hi, as the post mentions i noticed today Cal from faraway creations posted on facebook trying to track down Jim or Marie Ludlam, to complete a commissioned order for biker scout parts. I told him I would forward the post to the forums. If anyone knows how to reach either of these could you please have them contact them?
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  2. actually did mean chicago screws, i know thats what the kit came with 6 years ago.. now if those are no longer "OK" i can just go back to rivets. but in a way wouldnt mind the screws.
  3. Hi, just wondering if anyone had some info on the size of chicago screws for attaching the rear straps of the hip drop boxes to the belt. I know my moncal kit when i first built it about 5-6 years ago had them and i prefered them till one troop one backed out and i let someone talk me into riveting them. I'm re-straping my armor currently and would lvoe to go back to the screws but not sure what size i should grab thanks
  4. I have the SAME EXACT problem lol.... i managed to wiggle it around a bit and tighten it just enough to lay "mostly" flat so you can notice it but it was hard to get... if you find how to fix it shoot me a line oh and on your pin striping at the corner right before it makes the 90 degree turn.... i had the same issue with the pin stripe lifting upfixed that by just slicing into the middle of the "raise" and laying the parts flat on top of each other
  5. <<<Rolls eyes>>> you just could NOT resist could you....... LOL
  6. i agree with chex everything looks great and you appear good to go... only problem i see aswell is the belt is a bit too high up grats on the build, now get approved
  7. yeah when i got my set i was impressed with the nice cd on the outside then i put it in and was really let down.. the armor is so great but then the instructions are just horrid... i ended up not even putting the set together like the instructions say... but i still love my MC set, though some parts, namely the thigh boxes are WAY to small for larger scouts
  8. well i just went out and picked one up aswell... they didnt have the recon c6 instock so i got a deploy c6, folds up neatly and at the push of a button slides out and "deploys" into a carbine, looks like it has the structure for a good starwars weapon too so hopefully it will work out well.. just got to figure out how to tackle the painting and covering the "logos" dont want to hijack this thread so i'm going to add the pics to my build thread and just link to it here for if anyone wants to check it out. my build thread with the carbine pics http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?show...amp;#entry58698
  9. hey can you get a closer shot of the back piece where the flat part that says master meets what would be a second front piece? is it just me or does it look like you can see the fiberglass on the edges where that has been added?
  10. one thing that i noticed and looks a bit fishy is the armor back that says master... almost like the guy you purchased that from was a recaster and you got for instance the back part that he used for setting it up. also is the back supposed to have that little square in the bottom left aswell? thats almost like they just took a front and added the tank part and called it a back....
  11. accidentally posted in wrong spot, sorry, erasing
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