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501st Legion (RET)
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About F3RN

  • Birthday 12/20/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fairfield CA
  • Interests
    Star Wars, 501st Trooping, Rock Scrambling, Hiking, Running, Camping, Gaming, Gym.

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Golden Gate Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I agree with the Games Workshop paints. It is very good and adheres very well to my MC snout and KS helmet.
  2. Ok, we made it thicker...hows this?
  3. In terms of Lancer, would it be acceptable? If not I will do further mods if necessary.
  4. Well I hope its not off, but I ended up using Rustoleum automotive primer spray paint. Light Gray Here is the link. http://www.rustoleum.com/CBGProduct.asp?pid=37 Oh also FYI, the black paint I used is Citadel Paints Chaos Black. Its a really nice paint that flows well from an artist's brush.
  5. Wife and I just repainted my KS Snout. What do you guys and gals think?
  6. Thanks!! Do you use the proban racing suit for your undersuit? So are you saying that the thigh straps should stay parallel to the ground when standing straight? Thanks for the input!
  7. So are you saying the riding patches, straps and flap are good? I just want to make sure before I proceed with further Lancer steps. Thanks!
  8. Thanks! When the time comes do you think it will be Lancer approved? LOL yeah there are big Ewoks roaming around here and I just happened to find one LOL!
  9. Hey guys and gals, We just added the riding patches, straps and the flap to the undersuit. What do you guys think?
  10. Excellent Idea!!! I will try this method. My current method still makes it sag, this method being a sewn piece of velcro to the suit leg and sticky velcro against the boot. The additional slack in the pant leg still lets it droop. I am hoping this will be better.
  11. I couldn't maneuver mine to the point of being flat, so I just painted it white and this has worked well for me.
  12. Jim also has a thread on BSN within the trade forum. I also use the 10 watt Aker amp but mainly for the TB chatter track that is available within the 501st. For the purpose of playing back it is great!! I haven't used it for voice yet though just because I haven't felt the need to as of yet. But the great thing about Aker Amps are that you can plug in an MP3 and a Mic at the same time and have two sources of audio, the music/track and your voice.
  13. I have the KS blaster. Some people may disagree, but the blaster itself fits just fine in my SC holster. I have a picture at the armory archives section of BSN if your interested in seeing what it looks like.
  14. SA gloves are awesome. They are pretty accurate to the ones on screen IMO.
  15. Thanks for the awesome replies guys. I have now been approved and my ID is TB 8504 Thanks to all of the scouts that helped me with this. Couldn't have done it without you guys and this excellent forum giving me tons of information.
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