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Everything posted by TK-7828

  1. If sewing sude on the fingers that means
  2. Helmet decals? Grey or black for approval?
  3. Thanx
  4. Thanxs Very helpful The chefs looks good
  5. Thanks So the coverall parts i have to modify is just to try to make up them in size the best I can?
  6. So around 200$ what makers can I choose from then when it comes to a helmet?
  7. When asseble could this be cleared or is it way off for clearance?
  8. Sorry but did the search, Is there a place here where all the templates for the softparts are or are they all spread out? Havent found any templates for the flightsuit thankx
  9. Man i wish i could do the weathered thing...
  10. He got the rest of the helmet to buy...looks vvveeerryy thin in areas and its only resin so prob gonna crack in the mail. Just curios cause it got that lovley longface. Looks pritty decent in the full pic of the helmet on one of his other auctions....but then on the other hand I only know TK stuff and are new here
  11. Did a search on him here but did not find anything: armadyneco http://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-BIKER-SCOUT-TROOPER-FACE-PIECE-PART-only-1-1-SCALE-RAW-KIT/252988990600?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D44731%26meid%3Dec4ee7e6cccb4326a7db7e55ce850eb2%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D131759450197
  12. Ahh thanks. Is his name jeff on etsy?
  13. I dont have an unlimited budget so I found this seller. Says its 501st approved. Is he legit? Does it look recasted? I know helmet looks a bit sloppy but the rest of the armour looks ok for an untrimmed eye. Thinking of buying another helmet anyways or reheat this and mod it. I guess there are no other makers that has this price for all the hard armour? Cheers
  14. Hi ! Finally getting around to buy an armor. One question remains...What makers are there that make the more longface helmets? The helmet from the movies does lock more like RS props. I do think that RS props are a bit to pricy and dont know if there is any other out there? Thanks for help Andreas
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