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tk 7261

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About tk 7261

  • Birthday 11/13/1989

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    tk 7261
  • 501st Garrison
    north eastern remnant

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  1. My point is, not being able to use a helmet that has a shape that looks closer to the screen because of a mundane detail like a return edge, while being able to use one that has a shape that looks less like the originals because it has said mundane detail makes little sense in my opinion.
  2. I've been out of the game for a while on this. So I'm sure there is much I don't understand. The thing that's strange to me is the return edge stuff. From back before the RS helmet or the EFX ones, I would say none of them had a shape as close as this Hasbro one. All of the gap filling makes complete sense to me. New decals, filling the gaps, drilling the ears, new paint, all that makes sense. If someone did all that because they couldn't afford another one, then couldn't use the helmet because of a return edge seems kind of too much to me. Not my call though, obviously.
  3. Oh cool, thanks so much!
  4. Do you think you will clear coat it, or completely repaint it?
  5. Wow, The repainted helmet looks amazing. You did a really great job! Mind me asking how you went about repainting it and what type of paint you used for it?
  6. Wow, I'd be very interested to see if they have shifted the paint over to glossy. I also wonder how much the weathered vs not weathered options would effect the shine of the gloss.
  7. Ever any word this? Did they end up making it a bit more shiny / gloss for you?
  8. Yea, I saw this. I really like that they are doing vlogs. And that's really cool. I'm sure that will make it a lot easier to actually get the helmets made and keep a steady supply of them. I wonder if it will be a lower cost?
  9. Wow, your getting a jump on this project. Very cool so far. Keep it coming
  10. Thanks! Good to hear. I wasn't sure about how the helmet would look on smaller troopers. Wasn't sure how big it is compared to an SC. This armor looks amazing to me.
  11. I wonder what height range this will fit well on.
  12. They said they might never produce them again? Man why do all the people with these awesome molds always hold out. EFX scout, EFX ANH hero tk, now RS scout. What a bummer. Good video by the way!
  13. You have any opinions about sc helmets for guys our size? I saw one in person this weekend and it looked smaller than I imagined. I was surprised how much I liked the look of it too considering I feel like it looks different then the movie ones shape wise.
  14. Good to hear! Hopefully it doesn't take too long.
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