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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Peaches_DC

  1. Spray the lense with soapy water, and then apply the tint. After you get the tint in place use a squeegy (or similar) to press the water out of the tint from the center out. Thats about it. Make sure that the lense is totally cleaned just before you put the tint on because you'll get bump and lumps in it if not. The soapy water will let you maneuver the tint into position before the adhesive sticks to the lense.
  2. They used a 'hero' and a 'stunt' for CG in the movie?! Why would they do that? That seems like a waste of the graphic designer's time... especially since they're clones, and you could just use the same model for both... or am I missing something and they're two different, unrelated 'costumes' on screen?
  3. Congratz Robert! I wish you the best in your tour as DL! I know you'll make all of us proud to be Pathfinders!
  4. For camo patterns like that... just visit your local military surplus store. They should have every patter your heart desires. It would be a good idea to see if you can find one that suits this costume. Personally (and I don't have much experience with the BARC/KS) I think that gray/black 3 color looks great after you dyed it brown. It wouldn't be terribly hard to dye an entire shirt or pant. You may be onto something there!
  5. Great job... what are you going to do with the inside of the visor?
  6. really looks great... I can't believe how far you've come so fast. I wish I had the talent to make something like this (i'd be producing TB helmets already ). Great job so far. I really like that you're taking the feedback from everyone on here and tweaking it to get the most accurate look. Spectacular!
  7. Agreed... Scout would be awfully cool. At least do the helmet...
  8. Everyone already knows about the SFP being a recast... don't come into this guys thread and start throwing accusations around. He says he got his K-Scout helmet from SFP. That's your answer. As for the other helmet at the top of the thread, I'd like to see the molds too just to see what you did. That helmet is very cool.
  9. Everything looks really good... I'm just wondering what type of helmet that is? It looks awesome, but I've just never seen that design before... did I miss something? It looks like it would be the final step from Clonetrooper to Stormtrooper in the movies Great Work!
  10. No reason to feel bad really Denny... yes its a crappy recast, but your error was in not doing research before you decided to purchase the helmet. Don't feel bad for buying it... like everyone hates you for it or something. Jeez, if you can turn it into something relatively nice by reworking it, go ahead. Don't spend your hard earned money and then let people talk you into destroying the item. I understand that SF is a place that everyone wants to stay away from... but the only way to know that is if you research very hard to find out who is not worthy of our business. If you make the mistake of buying from someone that's blacklisted... don't worry about it. Don't feel bad, just know that you should've researched it a little more (if you do actually care about buying recasted stuff, because some people don't give a rat's ass about it as long as its cheap). The bottom line is don't make anyone feel like they should get rid of the item that they spent their money on. Just give advice on how to better it, or where to get it next time.
  11. Why did the name change in any case... BARC Trooper was perfect! Kashyyyk Trooper is way too specific, and only points to the one battle. If the US Army gave its medics new uniforms for Iraq, would they be called Baghdad Troopers then? That's just silly... Where did this change come from anyway... Did George Lucas send a memo to the legion, and tell us we can't call it a BARC trooper anymore?
  12. Actually thats a good question... I'd like to know that too. I don't think that it would be TBC because all the designations are only two letters long. Perhaps CS for Clone Scout? I don't know if they actually have a separate designation for it.
  13. Excellent job... looking forward to seeing a helmet. Any chance you guys could do the traditional Biker Scout helmet? You'd have a pretty good market considering there is only 2 helmets readily available, and one is widely regarded as rubbish. Just a thought
  14. That'd be nice... we'll keep our fingers crossed Phil
  15. Wouldn't be surprised if someone is already working on that.
  16. You can get used ammo pouches and other various pouches at any sort of military surplus store. Being that the character's costume is CG, you won't be able to find the exact thing, but you'll be able to get pretty close since its likely that the CG pouches were spawned from some sort of military pouch.
  17. I read that thread. I figured it was SFP that ripped him off. Just looking at the auction it seems like he's really trying hard to quell rumors of his recasting... but whatever. Some people have no respect... except for respect for the dollar.
  18. Well I truly hope that it turns out good for you. Hopefully someone has some helpful advice about how to reinforce fiberglass from the inside. I've learned the hardway about rushing to get things too... but the best thing about making that mistake, is that you'll be hard pressed to make it again
  19. Yet another example of why not to buy from SF. They're helmets are relatively cheap, but the reason is because they're made cheapily. I have never read anything good about that guys work. I've read some things about his stuff being recasted, and there are a lot of people in the community offended by this guys business practices. On his ebay auctions, he says that everyone else's work is ameteur, and that he is the true artist that makes the molds that everyone else copies . I hope that you're able to fix this helmet, and that you end up happy with it. Good luck.
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