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darren1970 last won the day on December 5 2011

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About darren1970

  • Birthday 06/04/1970

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  • Location
    Hear Durham, England
  • Interests
    Martial arts, Starwars and prop building

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  • 501st Garrison
    UK Garrison
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  1. Cool pics guys
  2. I used the Rustoleum Accents Fossil as a base. It's ever so slightly darker than the colour supplied by Mr. B on the sample , but once it's all togther and weathered it's hard to tell when stood next to another KST.
  3. A silcone cod piece ....... want...!!!!!!! That would make sitting down really easy
  4. Hear, hear..... You are and always will be the father of the CB.
  5. Tom your KST kit will always be the 'origional' in my eye's mate. Darren
  6. Darren "Purge" Langthorne / CB-4841 / UKG Garrison / 2011 A close up of my helmet Scout's head to head ( with heatshocks Bikerscout ) My favourite pic ( soon to be a trading card )
  7. Welcome to the elite Heather
  8. I think purely as a showcase its a good idea.
  9. Personally I'd say its a little too "busy". I reckon more of the base coat should be visible.
  10. Mine has a slight purple 'tinge' to them too. I wouldn't worry.
  11. Another Kashyyyk coming to the swamp. Cool.
  12. Been off BSN for a while ( overloaded with hundreds of CRL's on Clonetroopers.net LOL ) Agree with the Camo pattern, fix the range of colours, maybe describe methods of applying pattern ( sponge or dabbed with a brush like mine ) but it'll be impossible and impracticle to try and standardise the pattern itself. I'm also missing the pinstripe on my back tank, but if it's the concensus I'll add it using the black pinstriping vinyl that others have used. Darren
  13. So far so good mate.
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