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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Arch27

  1. I think he meant the pinstripe around the bottom of the tank.
  2. Arnold is cousins with one of my mom's friends... I'll give him a call! Nah I won't bother him with that. Somewhere I have a copy of his Terminator life cast, the one they used to make the eye prosthetic from the first film.
  3. Haha... I've done that too. I drilled them out and redid them.
  4. I love your technical name for the equipment. It's quite hilarious. Glue-wise it seems E6000/Goop is very popular. I'd shy away from anything too liquid like Weld-On 3 or consumer-grade super glue. You'll want something that has a little play-time in it as well. Claps are your best friend too.
  5. Looking great so far!
  6. What you have on the inside makes a huge difference. I have a smaller head than most and find the KS small. My KS has a hard hat liner and it's a tight fit. It's so tight that my forehead is against the lens usually. My nose is about where the bridge vent sits and I've had the bottom of the lens dig into my nose. My MLC has 1/2" ACH/ZAP pads and there's a decent amount of space between my face and the faceplate. I can get my hand up between my face and the helmet.
  7. Through the slot and connect. It should be OK to make the slot bigger.
  8. Looks to me like the part that says "Master" has the hook-side of velcro around it, probably so the tank can come off for storage/transport.
  9. Good eye! No - that indent should not be there. In fact the back plate is rather flat minus the tank mount. I think you're correct: It does look like a chest plate used as a back plate. I had thought some parts were recast KS pieces. The sweeping arcs (like on the forearms) are close to KS stuff but the details look softer.
  10. The topper looks like a bad recast. I'd just throw that thing away and get a good one. The holster looks messed up as well. The helmet is most likely a Rubies, given how deformed it looks. I'll poke around to see if I can figure out the armor pieces.
  11. I agree! My knee plates are all scuffed up from kneeling on pavement next to little kids for pics. I don't really care because people kind of expect a scout to have some wear and tear on their gear. I even accentuated those with some grime weathering.
  12. I'll have to get a couple sets and fit these into my KS as well as the MLCv3 I'm finishing off. The old school hardhat suspension digs into the back of my head really bad at about hour 3 of a troop. The last one I did I felt that pain for about 12 hours after. Thanks on the feedback! I've been debating ACH pads for quite a while now and this helps!
  13. What size pads did you order? I notice that with all these ACH pad upgrades it ranges from 1/2" to 1". Team Wendy ZAP pads seem to be among the cheapest (at least among reputable companies). I've seen ACH pads for as low as $20 a set, but not from anywhere I feel comfortable sending my personal info.
  14. That's a great idea! I'm thinking of using that but adding on the MG42 stock...
  15. That shouldn't be all too hard. Even if you order stuff in September you'll have a good 7 months of lead time
  16. CONGRATS! Very exciting news!
  17. I don't have one on the KS, and there's no need for it on the MLC I have.
  18. You could either curve the biceps a bit more or tighten the straps to make them appear a bit smaller as well. That'd keep them from sticking out at odd angles. But overall I think you look awesome. I'm getting a bit jealous of our Gnome
  19. I know, I know... I just wanted to get those purchase options out there. Plus they had a leather one. In that thread there's a "pattern" of sorts. I imagine one could buy a scrap from a fabric store and make it (which is what I'll probably do). And aw... Didn't mean to drag up the emotions, Jay. Here's to hoping you're back on the speeder bike soon!
  20. I put a hard hat suspension ring (aka "liner") in my KS. I secured it with industrial velcro. Due to the nature of the adjustable suspension ring, the helmet is not loose at all. The MLC I'm working on I plan on getting something like this SkyDex pad set, though this site has something similar for about 1/3 the price. I also planned on using the chin cup with the MLC, securing it with elastic.
  21. Oddly enough I just read this last week: This Thread talks about it in depth, but for the TL;DR version: You can buy one here. You're best off searching for a "BRASSARD"
  22. I don't know what goes into a flak vest as I don't have one yet. Mudflap/Cummerbund/Pouches: These items are relative to your size. You may need to scale them. Make some tests from either paper or something expendable.
  23. The Krylon Aluminum I used is Fusion.
  24. After the primer, I used Krylon Aluminum for a base coat and some flat black wrought iron paint for the finish. Given the nature of the material, the black paint tends to flake off when there's moderate handling. This is why I coated it with silver first. I have to touch up with black where it wears down too far (down to the base primer) I'm contemplating using Plastidip to keep a consistent, flexible finish.
  25. Looking AWESOME. You should be accepted with no problems. *fingers crossed*
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