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Agent RayBans

501st Legion Member
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About Agent RayBans

  • Birthday 11/05/1989

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  • 501st Garrison
    New England Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Thanks for the advice guys, we'll steer clear from Atin and go with something of better quality. I know I would like to see my girlfriend in a Lancer quality suit (I have an "Elite Status" TK over on whitearmor), but money is the main object right now. The decision to go for base requirements is/was purely from a financial stand point, sadly. Anyway, thanks for your responses guys, crisis averted! I'll have to make sure her and I do some more research before we start collecting pieces.
  2. Hello all, newb question alert I'm sure as some of you have seen Atin is doing some runs of TB armor for a very modest price over on the 501st forums, which caught my eye. I've done some searches around the forum and a few of you in the past advised staying away from Atin/CNC for misc reasons and to pursue other suits. I was wondering if that opinion still holds today? I realize that its inaccurate compared to other suits, and Atin's kit does not include anything but the body armor. But this suit would be for my girl friend who is not really looking for super accuracy, but base 501st acceptability. She is around 5'3" and around 120 pounds, would this suit be too big for her? Thanks in advanced!
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