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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by StuntManMike

  1. I bought some acrylic craft paint, so well see.
  2. Not sure if anyone has seen this before, Schwarzeneggers 1985 Commando, this is when he's pushing his Blazer down the hill. I just happened to notice this tonight as I was watching, sure looks like the ones to me. Anyways found it interesting and thought I'd share. Sorry the pics aren't super good.
  3. Here is one I made for non 501st events. Again canon scouts do not carry rifles, only hold out blasters. Just thought I would mention that again since I see that questios pop up alot from new people. Anyways here's my scratch build MG-15, can be made from $50-$75 depending on whats parts you want to use. Pretty light too.
  4. Thank you guys soo much it means alot to me! I can hopefully get the pics in by next Thursday at the latest, I have a very busy week, hope thats cool. Thanks again!
  5. Just an update, I have hopefully made the corrections you mentioned and I will try and get full body with armor on pics ASAP. Let me know what you think
  6. Just an update I have installed the screen accurate bolt caps as well.
  7. So I figured what the heck Let me know what needs to be fixed The red square has since been removed as seen in the top pic
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