Oh mm I forgot to update on this one, but I did in my armor upgrade thread.
The thing rubbing against my heel was the top of the stiffener inside the part of the boot that goes around the heel (i think it's called the counter). It my heel rubbed against it a lot, and it also ended right where the bone of my ankle was; so whenever I took a long step, or go up stairs, it would collide with my anklebone quite harshly and that was the cause of some pain in addition to making blisters.
But yes Dart, that's exactly what I did, the combo of insoles and very good hiking socks. The two filled up the small "dead space" around my foot, and also lifted my heel up enough so the stiffener wasn't a problem anymore.
So blisters are gone, no more hot spots, and thanks for the heads up on the under armor socks, I'll go get some and toss them in my trunk just in case I forget to put on my hiking socks the night before a troop. The moisture wicking feature sounds divine.