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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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About Spectre5549

  • Birthday 01/18/1991

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  • Location
    Garden Grove, CA

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. I think this is the post you were looking for: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=4484&st=20 (just scoll down a bit) The "old" snout is the one WITHOUT the riser plate, while the "new" one is WITH the riser plate. Both "old" and "new" come in solid and hollow variants. Hope that helps, and they are all great! Just got one myself the other month! =)
  2. Hooray! Congratulations!!
  3. Oh mm I forgot to update on this one, but I did in my armor upgrade thread. The thing rubbing against my heel was the top of the stiffener inside the part of the boot that goes around the heel (i think it's called the counter). It my heel rubbed against it a lot, and it also ended right where the bone of my ankle was; so whenever I took a long step, or go up stairs, it would collide with my anklebone quite harshly and that was the cause of some pain in addition to making blisters. But yes Dart, that's exactly what I did, the combo of insoles and very good hiking socks. The two filled up the small "dead space" around my foot, and also lifted my heel up enough so the stiffener wasn't a problem anymore. So blisters are gone, no more hot spots, and thanks for the heads up on the under armor socks, I'll go get some and toss them in my trunk just in case I forget to put on my hiking socks the night before a troop. The moisture wicking feature sounds divine.
  4. Wow this is excellent! Many, many thanks for sharing!
  5. Excellence! Can't wait to see it in action.
  6. The boots look excellent! Keep it up!
  7. Hey congratulations on the first troop! I'll look forward to reading your post later. I'm not liking how you say that your left eye is a little blurry now from the strain, I'd say get your eyes checked up if it doesn't go back to normal in a few days. I'm one of those in the contacts boat, but I know what you mean about the glasses in the face. Tried it with my KS bucket and wasn't too happy about it. (might be the way I put my padding inside, there's lots of room for me) You said your glasses are an older pair, so maybe it's a good time to get a new pair. If the old ones are still fine, getting a pair only for trooping inside the bucket might be an option. I'd recommend Flexon frames because they are a little lighter and can bend inside your bucket without a problem. But if they have to bend too much though, double check the prescription/get the prescription changed to accommodate that bend so that your eyes won't be strained from wearing them. Given how little room you have in your bucket to begin with, getting new frames that will fit properly may be difficult; so if going that route is not feasible, (probably isn't) just go ahead and upgrade your helmet. I'd rather you not lose your vision, that'll make dodging the trees a wee bit harder.
  8. Her boots look great!
  9. MOST EXCELLENT! Congrats!
  10. Excellent work! It isn't a hobby unless you put your sweat and BLOOD into it! Figuratively and literally of course*
  11. Wait, I thought the dots point toward the front? *Borrowed from Screen Caps Gallery* But yes, flip direction of one of the squares so they will be facing the same way when you put them on
  12. Looks like you have a mix of MC and SC for the belts. I'm no expert on this matter though. The first pic, the one piece belt I believe is an MC belt, the one in 3 parts I believe is SC. The rest of the armor, I think I'll leave that to some expert eyes. That tank topper really scares me...
  13. Ah yes, the hill isn't too large; I remember now. For the pouch, that's what I have planned out all for today after my classes are over. Should be back in action by the end of the weekend!

  14. I'm like half an hour away from garden grove. Fix that pouch, because we got events coming up like crazy this month!

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