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kwdesigns last won the day on November 8 2012

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  1. I do not want to take away from the Black clips that are being made. I think it is a great way to slip the TD on and off. But... I see 2 white long Zip-Ties holding each side. They look like they are wrapped around the main belt and the gray tubes almost half way from center to end cap on the left and right side. You can see in the picture they did not cut off the extra length from the plastic tie after securing it around. The plastic end just stick up in the air at a slight angle. Kevin W.
  2. I might be able to start up on this project again at the start of this new coming year. Kevin W.
  3. I was just asked about this the other day. I have a few other things I need to take care of first. But I do plan on offing the Vac-formed armor. I'm just not looking forward to making all the rubber cast parts. Kevin W.
  4. Sounds Ok to me. But I would list it this way... "Light Tan" or Off White. So that we emphasize more on the Tan more than the white. I just wanted ROTS on Blu-ray a few days ago and I just do not see any white. Looks tan to me but to be neutral I'd bend and add Off White. Kevin W.
  5. Light shade of TAN. 1000000000000% not a true white. Same thing for the soles.... TAN not gray!!!! Kevin W.
  6. I had to put this project on hold for a little bit for a few different reasons. I have a deadline to meet with a different project "Ralph McQuarrie's Concept Stormtrooper Armor" and only have 5 months to complete it. After I am done I will be able to revisit the KT molds and get that armor done. You can see the thread for the RMQ Concept armor here... http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/22683-ralph-mcquarries-concept-stormtrooper-armor/ Kevin W.
  7. Here you go... Also the grebes on the glove with the raised stripes should also have small pointy pumps in the recessed area. They are also a true left and a true right. They are mirrored to each other, starting off thin then gets a little wider. I have not seen anyone make them like this yet. Kevin W.
  8. Just an up-date. I decided to sculpt a new Chest and I'll be sculpting a new back also. If anyone has followed my previous work on other armor kits and helmets this is the way I have made most of those. You can see more of my other work here http://www.imperialsurplus.com/ This is just the very beginning of the Kashyyyk Chest Sculpt. Kevin W.
  9. The should be a "Beige / Taupe" color. Similar to the soles of the boots and the wrist bands and handback pads on the gloves. Kevin W.
  10. I have not put too much thought into the helmet yet. So I don't have an answer for you. I know just by the CG design alone that the dome is very low profile which makes it unrealistic for a human to properly wear with good vision. I'll see what I can do when it come to that time. Kevin W.
  11. I have an up-date on the Toe Caps... Kevin W.
  12. LOL.. "Only 15 more parts" I plan on using ABS. Thickness might vary depending on the parts. Kevin W.
  13. I'm still working on them but here is a vac-formed test pull. It will take some time to get all the other parts ready. This pic kind of gives you the stages I need to go through for each part. Some or Most parts will be a new sculpt from scratch. Kevin W.
  14. Some or most of you might know that back in June 2012 I bought the molds from Tom "Mr.B." It has a lot of clean up I want to do and some parts I will make new from scratch. I have started on the Toe Caps. Obviously they are not done yet. But I had received some request for them hence that is why I started on them first. I will do my best to continue to show the progress I make on this project. K.A.M. (Kev's and Mr.B. / Kashyyyk Armor Makers)
  15. Nice pics. The group shot in front of the bunker is sweet!!! It was great meeting most of you. I wish I could of had the time to meet everyone. Matt thank you for taking the time after the group photo to chat with me. Seeing everyone in KT has inspired me even more to get that project done. Everyone looked great!!! Kevin W.
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