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About Billhag

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    London, jolly ol' England

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    UK Garison
  1. Frank I'd love to be added to the list if possible, and I can provide a US address for both me and Nate if that makes things any easier Nate I've also had my problems with certain packages turning up, but I think that I've solved the problem with less of the greif (touch wood )
  2. Angelo Every time I look at this thred I have to go WOW!!! Sir, you are helping to take this fantastic costume to another level and I for one can not thank you enough for all the time , effort and skill that you have devoted to it WOW!!
  3. Nate I know that Tony Velda managed to win one of Mike's (pghfett) original sets of armour in an auction to help a fellow trooper out on here.But when I spoke to him back in November he hadn't started it yet.Other then him the only other person to show any interest , that I know of, is your good self mate. . But there's got to be more guys out there who love this brilliant costume.
  4. Nooooooo! Can't you squeeze a little one in? (as the bishop said to the actress) as I would love one too. Preety please? (quivers lower lip) Angelo Looking bloody brilliant mate Can't wait to see all the soft parts dyed and the armour sitting nicely on top, its going to look the nuts mate
  5. And may I second that Mike. Fantastic to see the artist who brought this marvelous costume to life back amongst us. Please, please don't be a stranger Sir
  6. Dave The trouble is you’ve openly admitted to supporting a re-caster, and the most notorious one at that, so this inevitably throws doubt over what you present as your own work. I’m sorry, but condoning what SFP does and stands for is not right, plain and simple. I’m sorry if this offends you but I can’t help but think of the offence caused to all the talented artists whose work as been stolen by people such as this.
  7. ...Let me hear ya say AMEN!!!
  8. Tom It's looking pretty darn nice mate
  9. Tom Building your own armour and helmet.....and you tattoo people in a Boba helmet? Dude......you're the Dude!!..
  10. Tom Nice work so far Sir Can't wait to see the rest of it.
  11. Will,....are you OK mate? deeeep breaths...nice and easy now... All's well, that ends well. Nate, you did good mate, the more eyes we have out there looking out for our artists the better chance we have of limiting the scum bags that prey on their fantastic work
  12. Dave Wow!!, Great work there Sir, can't wait to see it all finished. Just love those shins and boot guards, they look fantastic
  13. Angelo Looking mighty fine there mate
  14. ....arrr, but as the saying goes "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and BOY!!, do I want to 'Behold' this little beautie....
  15. I'm in a reverse situation, I've got one of Mikes helmets but no bloody armour
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