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501st Pathfinder
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Perdikkas last won the day on May 14 2023

Perdikkas had the most liked content!


8 Neutral

About Perdikkas

  • Birthday 02/26/1984

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Trooping Award Badge
  • Gender
  • Location
    Graz, Styria, Austria, Europe

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Austrian Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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183 profile views
  1. Yeah, well done, you really earned it to be a Lancer. Awesome suit you have there!
  2. Welcome to the squad, nicely done!
  3. Congratulations Berry and welcome to the squad! Now you reached something you can really be proud of! Hopefully we will soon meet again, maybe Legoland Germany 2011? ^^ I am always curious to meet other Lancers in person, so far it has only been Logan. Great job!
  4. Congratz! It's good to see the squad growing
  5. Welcome to the squad, Piotr! Nice armor you got there, really like those painted decals on your MLC, good work!
  6. Congratz Buddy! welcome to the Squad!
  7. Welcome to the Lancer squad! Congratulations Tim, great work on your costume And i have to admit, it's nice having you also join now the squad, so i am not the only "new guy" within the lancer squad ;-)
  8. YES ! Thank you everybody very much! It was my pleasure to assemble this great armor, but without the help from you all, ecspecially from my two german mentors, Marcel (TB-8178) and Logan (TB-3624) (both also Lancers) it would have been much harder to reach this level of authencity. I am really happy with the result and very proud to fulfill now all Lancer requirements. And i am also very grateful to my friends here in austria, who also gave me a hand in assembling the armor (the sewing for example^^) Can't wait to troop next time in this fine piece of armor!
  9. And Regarding Issue 1: Mud Flup is now correctly sewed on, suede side now on the outside (shiny inner side on the inside) I really hope that fulfills all requirements ?! thanks for your time, folks !
  10. Regarding Issue 2: I got hold of a smaller screw and used this instead to fix the bottom end of my tank. But in order to hide the even little, but still visible screwhead i used some kind of sticky rubber, which is originaly meant to be used to attach posters to a wall - but it comes in handy to cover up the little hole for the screw and the screw itself. I think it looks really good so far - it is white and looks seamless. Hope you like it... From the downside:
  11. Big Thx to you for your opinion on my armor in my lancer application thread. Really appreciate it!

    I'm glad you like it

    Greetings from Austria

  12. Big Thx to you for your opinion on my armor in my lancer application thread. Really appreciate it!

    I'm glad you like it

    Greetings from Austria

  13. Thanks for your response! 1. You are right about the mud flap, the lady which made it for me, sewed it wrong to my flight suit, on the inner side now, it is the same material as the riding patch (real pigskin). I will seperate it and use the other side, as it was supposed to. 2. This big screw is really also one of my last concerns, it was a spare, the original screw was missing in my set from MC, and i had nothing else, but i will think of a different method of fixing the bottom tank to the back plate, maybe riveting, well see in the evening... Well, just two things, thats not that much work, thank you very much for your critics! Maybe it will all be fixed by tomorrow! greetings
  14. Here another bunch of more detailed pictures of some of my gear: Blaster (Hotshot Foam Blaster) Blaster #2: Boots (MC): Boots#2: Vest: Balaclava and Gloves: Cummerbund: Another Full Shot: I hope that's all you need to see!
  15. Hello guys Because i just purchased a camera, i was able to finally shoot some decent pictures of my finished armor. I really hope i fullfilled all requirements to be promoted to Lancer status. If you need any more pictures, tell me, i will post them within hours. Hope you like my work! Facts Helmet: MLC v3 (Snout MC) Armor, Belt, Boots and Cummerbund: MC Overall: Hon (Japan) with Mudflap and Riding Patch and thigh straps Blaster: Hotshot Foam Blaster West: Breiling (Germany - same one like TB-8178 and TB-3624) Gloves: Sitharmor Frront: Side#1: Back: Side#2: Tank, Detonator and Mud Flap: Detonator and Mud Flap Detail: Tank Topper: Riding Patch and Thigh straps and Belt Detail: Gloves: Vest Detail: T-Bits Detail: MLC v3 Helmet Detail: Helmet Detail (Screen accurate bolts and decals): Action Shot #1: Action Shot #2: Final Shot: Thanks for your time and effort! It would be a real honour to join the Lancer Ranks!
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