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501st Legion Member
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About hopps

501st Information

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  • 501st Garrison
    german garrison
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  1. sorry maybe you didn´t get my point but i´m not sure how to get the real deal idf there is a ban against us so what will i do if i wanna go for a new costume? not talented in sculpting my own imo you´ll open the door for a lot of poor quality crap recasts maybe some good recasts but i´m not sure if that should be the goal
  2. wow we collectors from germany have to buy recasts in future cause we won´t get the originals nice an other point is every country have their own recasters would you stop selling there? or look around in the US there are as many recasters as everywhere i would say you should sell all around the world you couldn´t stop recast your items since you sold the first item but you can make the right items available for fans and collectors
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