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Silver Fox

501st Pathfinder
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Silver Fox last won the day on June 29 2015

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About Silver Fox

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    Great Lakes Garrison
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  1. Ab plate....hmmmm....that's the only thing that I would change. Love everything else
  2. Message sent. Thanks!
  3. I'm curious as to who has had dealings with them, and how it worked out for you. I'm asking, because I recently purchased a smaller belt from them that had some, what I consider to be, serious wrinkles and gaps in the front of the belt (see attached photos). I've been dealing with Matt Nelson, and he said that that particular section gets cut out (see attached), which will address the problem. I think I know how to do it, but I haven't seen this from other vendors, and I don't think this is something I should have to fix on my own. I want to know if I'm making a mountain out of a molehill here. Thanks!
  4. They DO have it in black! Sweet! I was looking at their main website. I would be able to do hemming on cuffs, no problem there. Thank you!
  5. Does anyone have any experience dyeing Red Kap suits? I like the overall construction and material (I have a snow scout, and use a white one for that), but unfortunately they don't offer them in black. I'm updating my old TB, and wondered if anyone had used this brand. If not, I'm sticking with my Dickies brand and making a few mods.
  6. The kicker on the "pattern" is that snow troopers don't show up until ESB, and in TFA we're already seeing them. I'm hoping for something in VIII myself
  7. Does anybody happen to have pics of or knowledge of how the tank was originally mounted on the back plate? It's my understanding that they were originally done with strapping laced through the back, then riveted to the top & bottom. Thanks in advance!
  8. Here's the link. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9781&hl=&fromsearch=1
  9. I call this "Breaking in the shinies", done by S.M. Scott Photography. That's me up front, the two "shinies" in the back". There's some great pics of his on Facebook
  10. Just a heads up; if you use my pattern, the front of the patch is going to look like it does in the book, meaning it's going to stick out a little further up front. It makes more sense given that they lean forward on the bikes in the movie, so that's where the wear on a suit would occur
  11. My wife made this pattern based off of pics from Star Wars; Cosuming the Original Trilogy. She's done a lot of stuff for 501st and Rebel Legion https://www.facebook...459926030704468
  12. I've made a vest for myself and another scout here in MI and going to be doing a third here soon. PM me and I can show you what I've done
  13. We're scouts; our job is to go before the other troopers, to find the best path to victory, which means we get down and dirty!
  14. The only real difference is the cummerbund, and as long as the basic effect is the same, I don't think it's anything we need to go crazy over
  15. Groovy. Thanks!
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