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501st Legion (RET)
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About godzilla

  • Birthday 07/06/1967

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  • Location
    So Cal
  • Interests
    Animation, sci fi, model building

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  • 501st Garrison
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  1. Could you message me his info please. Tim
  2. Is anyone offering the updated greeblie for the TD's? Thanks in advance! Tim
  3. Looks great! Nice job.
  4. You wash both the bund and the flightsuit? Are they made by Debbi? If so, how does the suade manage? I wash mine is the washer but I hear a few dry clean. I no longer can iron my pouches to keep that box shape, so something to consider.
  5. I'm just completing my outfit and have noticed when I put the belt on that the bund falls below it by about 2 inches all the way around. I just pushed it up under the belt is that whats done. I did notice on photos that on the back side of the scouts the bund is all bunched up between the belt and the bottom of the back plate which is how mine looks when I push it up under the belt. Tim
  6. Ok, guys I have all the soft armor that ladysewsforus makes am wanting to was them but I have some concerns. The mudflap is removable but the suede on the inner thighs are not, how has everyone been washing the flightsuit? Is the suede cool in the wash? Plus is the cummerbund cool to go in the wash? Thanks, Tim
  7. Hello all, Do the 3M bolts allow the visor to stay in the upright position?
  8. Ok, I've been poking around but can't find an answer to this. Does the crotch strap velcro to the undersuit right above the mudflap or does it attach to the back of the cummerbund? Tim
  9. Thanks, I don't have any specific questions just yet, I was just curious if there were any tutorials. I noticed the same thing. MC has been debating putting together a new set of instructions. Between the reference photos and the resources here on the board, I've been able to get everything assembled and mostly up and running this fall. What questions do you have? I may have asked the same ones, so maybe I can help. Let me know. ~~Marauder
  10. Got my MC kit the other day and thought that the cd of pics that comes with it were a lacking a bit of detail. Does anyone know if there are printed step by step instructions or point me towards an online tutorial? thanks, Tim
  11. I'm still confused, isn't that the guy who makes the mc armor and the MLC helmet? After a quick tap of the search button http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?show...84&hl=snout
  12. Can someone PM me the ordering info for the MC please? 'Magog' date='Aug 15 2010, 11:42 AM' post='55526'] Different makers mate. The MC snout has sharper detail than the MLC one.
  13. I've recently ordered my MLC helmet. My question is, is the snout that comes with it accurate? I've seen people talking about the MC snout on the boards. I'm a liitle confused, isn't MLC and MC the same maker? Thanks
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