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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by HerraPerunaPaa

  1. Thanks for the messages folks Due to weird n wonderful shift-patterns the last couple of days have seen little progress, however day off today so off to the garage I go... Re: kits, at the very least I'll be able to provide a set of the roughly trimmed vac-formed parts (plus a shopping list of extras, which I am endeavouring to keep to a minimum for precisely this reason).
  2. Have recently started my most ambitious project to date: a ridable Super Deform Speeder Bike... Based around a 50cc Midi-Moto, am in the process of making the moulds to vac-form the shrouds etc so that eventually I'll have a 'Galactic Heroes' or 'Japanese Super Deform/Bobble-Head' style Speeder to call my own Unlike previous projects, am making the effort to take pics at the various stages should anyone else wish to follow my latest folly http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=4765...100000743913121 At the time of writing am only a couple of days into the project, so there isn't a great deal to see, but hopefully this will change over the next few weeks!
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