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501st Legion (RET)
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About HerraPerunaPaa

  • Birthday 09/20/1975

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The Deep Sarf East, UK
  • Interests
    Spending too much of my pocket money on toys n costumes, drilling and sanding in the living-room, hiding in quiet corners to read, sculpting, experimenting with different methods of getting paint off of surfaces where it shouldn't be before someone notices, bikes (of the motorised variety), boardgaming, wargaming, camping on CoD, and stalking across barren ground...<br /><br />Costume progress report:<br />Biker Scout - CLEARED<br />Darth Vader ESB - SOLD (too hot!!!)<br />Stormtrooper - COMPLETED (but built to fit smaller mate)<br />Sandtrooper - COMPLETED<br />TIE Pilot - SOLD<br />Death Star Gunner - SOLD<br />Indiana Jones (complete, but look nowt like ol' Mr Ford)<br /><br />Future wishlist:<br />Super Deform Speeder Bike - BEING BUILT AS WE SPEAK!<br />Super Deform Mystery Vehicle TBC!

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    UK Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Thanks for the messages folks Due to weird n wonderful shift-patterns the last couple of days have seen little progress, however day off today so off to the garage I go... Re: kits, at the very least I'll be able to provide a set of the roughly trimmed vac-formed parts (plus a shopping list of extras, which I am endeavouring to keep to a minimum for precisely this reason).
  2. Have recently started my most ambitious project to date: a ridable Super Deform Speeder Bike... Based around a 50cc Midi-Moto, am in the process of making the moulds to vac-form the shrouds etc so that eventually I'll have a 'Galactic Heroes' or 'Japanese Super Deform/Bobble-Head' style Speeder to call my own Unlike previous projects, am making the effort to take pics at the various stages should anyone else wish to follow my latest folly http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=4765...100000743913121 At the time of writing am only a couple of days into the project, so there isn't a great deal to see, but hopefully this will change over the next few weeks!
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