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Tunnel Rat

501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Tunnel Rat

  1. I got home from work tonight and found out that THAT I AM APPROVED!!!!!!!!! I AM THE SWAMPY 16th and 3rd Kashyyyk Trooper fot the Ohio Garrison.....THANKS GRUMPY!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hey all waiting for my GML to get back with me on approval.
  3. Jason, He said something about doing the re doing the molds a while back. Don't know if that helps however I can send you a link where I got mine from and you just have to mod the boxes to the correct sizes. I can send you pics of my cumberbun so you can see the modded boxes on it.
  4. All right everyone awaiting to hear back from the Garrison and Legion but couldn't wait.........Huge thanks to GRUMPY nice avatar. Here is the Swampy 16th trooper.
  5. Hey Alex, I know from personal experience you have the Kashyyyk Master builder there....I'm the one that has the armor that Grumpy is working on. Can't wait to see yours, we are going to have 5 Kashyyyk Troopers that are in Ohio and all look the same!
  6. Congrats your number 15, once I get my shins back I will be sweet"16" But Congrats need more mud pounders!
  7. Oh Grumpy...just waiting for that call to come to do a fitting and pictures for the blessing then we will have 15 in the ranks. Have some adjusting on the front pouches and riding patch then soft armor is DONE!!!!!
  8. Congrats....Looking good
  9. Looking good trooper, Almost done with mine with alot of help from Grumpy!!!!! Got a couple of mods to do on my pants then should be ready to do some pics.
  10. Grumpy, You are worldwide. You should start Grumpy Enterprises LLC.
  11. Grumpy is serious about this recruiting Kashyyyk Troopers. Give this guy armor and man does we work magic. I can't thank him enough for the work he has done to help me get approved. So far the armor is done and painted, bucket is finished and padding and fans are installed. Today I got a pm from him and this was attached....My cumberbun. THANKS GRUMPY.......
  12. Ok all you wonder why Darth Lindon did a name change here is way.......Thanks Grumpy (Matt) Yes those are gloves under construction on Grumpy's table. Now for my Bin to tote everything around in with keeping to my roots on Hoth. Once again HUGE THANKS TO GRUMPY FOR YOUR HARD WORK AND RECRUITMENT!
  13. Got my cumerbun today from Lady Sew for Us. Awesome piece to add to the Kashyyyk, and since I can't sew to save my life a huge thank you to Lady Sew for Us . Anyone on the fence about getting this it's well worth the money. And according to Grumpy saves on the finger tips by not sewing this by hand. Thanks again Lady Sew for Us .
  14. WOW Matt, You have been a busy lil' Kashyyyk Trooper! Nice gloves, and did you get my other message? See ya
  15. Hey guys.....Thanks for the advise, I was playing with it last night. Never thought of the sponge it will give me something to do tonight and tomorrow. I was more or less looking over the camo scheme and reminded me of the Bogey Sqaud Kashyyyk Trooper. Once again thanks to all for the advise.
  16. Hey everyone, Posted pics of my bucket, I don't know about the camo pattern looks to busy compared to others. Any suggestions? Thanks
  17. Sorry for the very slow updates....I keep hitting a snag with the DPM fitting my size. So I am waiting my 3rd pair of pants this time going with a size bigger than my jeans. And top that off with my camera not working right. I will post pics sometime tomorrow to get suggestions on the camo paint scheme I have..... Update ok all here it goes here are my 90% complete bucket, still need to add the stickers and waiting for the Green Tint for my lens. Still wondering about the camo scheme. Can I get suggestions please.
  18. Looking good I may have my bucket 98% done by this weekend! Waiting to locate some green mirror tint, I am using lexan for my lens.
  19. My pouches are going to screwed on. I am going to follow Darth Lindon's build. Some say us Kashyyyk Troopers in the Ohio Garrison like having the secure feeling. I must say after some of the troops I have been on security is the best feeling if we don't have handlers around to watch for pouches falling everywhere...LOL. I like the idea of things not coming off unless I take it off myself.
  20. Thanks Andy I will research this. Thanks
  21. Hey guys and gals, Quick question, I ordered my DPM off E-Bay and got a XL thinking the waist goes to 40" in the waist. When I got it the waist said XL goes to 30 inches. Is everyone that skinny? I am at a 40 inch and XL is a good fit but never recalled XL being 30 inches. I have searched for XXL DPM pants but no Luck, any help from you all would be great...Thanks
  22. Just an update to my *WIP* DC15 - complete Gloves - Complete - THANKS TO DARTH LINDON DPM - Came in and getting modded now - Darn doesn't fit, didn't know XL was a 30 inch waist. Ordered 2nd pair and guess what still to small, ordered 3rd pair waiting. Lexan for lens done waiting for green tint Armor - Starting to paint, working on the shin and bicep armor for proper fitting Boots - picked out and needing mods done Pouches - Big back pouches needing painting and velcro added rest of my small pouches came in so mods and painting needs done. Cumerbun - Ordered and waiting - Thanks Ladysewforus Camera - out for repairs, wife got a new one so what a way to break it in, will post pics later today. Also nothing like E6000 and burning plastic and paint at 3:20 am.
  23. OK fellow troops...here are some unpacking pics. Box from MB nice wake up gift Unpacking the armor Naked bucket - Front Photo Naked bucket - Side shot
  24. Thanks all for the warm welcomes, question does anyone have a list of supplies they used for their builds? I am trying to find the proper way to cut the holes for the lens and snout vents and ear vents. Also what gauge of screen mesh do I need. I am heading to the hardware store in the am. I will post pics Tuesday. Also I am thinking of a name for my KST. Is Tunnel Rat being used?
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