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major payne

501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by major payne

  1. You can't use EFx and "on time" in the same sentence
  2. Major Payne - CT7829 - Redback Garrison - Queensland, Australia - Approved May 2012 Here are some pics of my recently approved kit More pics to follow...
  3. Thanks for all the feedback guys. I think I have fixed all the bits.
  4. Yes, the grey strap came undone as I was suiting up, It's fixed now. I didn't notice til after that it had popped. I will change the buckle, I do have another one here somewhere. I did replace the elastic to a black one as I didn't like the final look of the "grey/green" colour I painted them. As for the decal, I never really took much notice of it. The sheet had 2 on it, so I thought there was one on both sides. Easy fix, and will do that tonight. thanks for the reviews
  5. thanks mate. Yes the drop boxes have been fixed, they are just velcroed behind the belt. And the forearm bit, well my better half wasn't in the mood to help dress me after she slaved over a sewing machine for almost 2 days, hence the not fantastic looking photos I will have to look into the shoulder bells. My kit is mostly an old PGHFETT kit, made of fibreglass, so it's a bit on the heavy side. The last thing I want is for one to fall off.
  6. Well it's been a while but I think I'm finally finished. These pics I took a few days ago, and have since fixed up a few loose bits and weathered the cummerbund, pouches and gloves. Big thanks goes out to Bigmac and Jimah for the help with colours. And my wife for sewing up all the bits and pieces.
  7. Who is #4? I am hoping to use the Cummerbun I have, it was green, I am in the process of changing it to grey. I am hoping to get it wearable for CoF next weekend. But that is a big hope. If not by then, definitely the MS Moonwalk in October. If my colours work our as good as I hope, we can all match. They are all available from your local paint shop. They are just Dulux paints. I have started sanding all the armour back and priming it. I can see a few late nights coming up
  8. They will have to make it up, but it's a standard colour in the Dulux range, it's the closest standard colour i could find after scouring the 1000's of colours on the wall. I got it from Bunnings.
  9. Hi guys, My name is Michael, BH-7829, and am part of the Redback Garrison, in Queensland, Australia. I have completed several costumes including a Scout. I recently bought Lonescouts kit from him and it arrived home recently. It is a great outfit, but some of the paint is starting to flake around flexing parts (ie: round the edge of the tank) and from just general wear and tear, so I'm going to repaint it. From what I have read in alot of the threads here, his colours are also not "screen accurate" compared to other KST's out there. I like the look, but it's too green in comparison. I have been to the local hardware store and found a colour which I consider on the money for the base coat. Here in Australia, it's called Dulux Savannah A176W if that helps any overseas troopers. If I go with it, I will post up the colour chart for anyone wishing to dupicate the colour. I scanned the sample card I got, but it looks like it come out more peach coloured. But I assure you it is a beige with a tinge of green. Here is a photo of it which looks a little closer. It's the bottom one. I like the middle one, but I think it's too green. LMK what you guys think. Cheers in advace for all the help you will give me over the next few weeks, Michael
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