Hi guys,
My name is Michael, BH-7829, and am part of the Redback Garrison, in Queensland, Australia. I have completed several costumes including a Scout. I recently bought Lonescouts kit from him and it arrived home recently. It is a great outfit, but some of the paint is starting to flake around flexing parts (ie: round the edge of the tank) and from just general wear and tear, so I'm going to repaint it. From what I have read in alot of the threads here, his colours are also not "screen accurate" compared to other KST's out there. I like the look, but it's too green in comparison. I have been to the local hardware store and found a colour which I consider on the money for the base coat. Here in Australia, it's called Dulux Savannah A176W if that helps any overseas troopers. If I go with it, I will post up the colour chart for anyone wishing to dupicate the colour. I scanned the sample card I got, but it looks like it come out more peach coloured. But I assure you it is a beige with a tinge of green. Here is a photo of it which looks a little closer. It's the bottom one. I like the middle one, but I think it's too green. LMK what you guys think.
Cheers in advace for all the help you will give me over the next few weeks,