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501st Pathfinder
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About Bloodclaws65

  • Birthday 03/28/1965

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    http:// https://www.hbwdebtfree.com/signupAgent/JosephPerez

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Albuquerque N.M. (USA)
  • Interests
    Props , Costumes , Star Wars Collectables , Guns , Golf.

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Dewback Ridge Garrison
  1. Ok Final contact Chunk he has had some personal life issues . no computer you can contact him on Facebook here is his link Thanks https://www.facebook.com/joe.gonzales.583?fref=ts
  2. I have with PayPaL NOTHING yet . Chunk is a member of SoCal Garrison I have spoke with there Command Staff waiting to hear back .
  3. Does anyone know how to contact Chunk . I have sent email and messages checking on order have not heard since I placed order . Thanks
  4. Payment sent Paypal for White riding suit for Snow Scout . Thanks
  5. Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2011
  6. Hello Daniel Thank you for your service Brother . There is a Armorer in New Mexico starting up . They have been working on new molds totally there own design . once they start to gear up for production I will let you know . stay tuned .
  7. Outstanding Trooper !
  8. Good luck on your build . It is a great costume to build . Need any help just let us know .
  9. Keep on keeping looking good .
  10. Very nice Brother as always Top notch . When are you going to start Sculpting Kashyyyk Armor ?
  11. Outstanding Troopers way to represent KT's
  12. Todd and I the first morning . taken pics. Emperor , Lord Vader and Scout . TX (sean) and I Colleen and I taken pic's This is Todd and I Vader Balloon more pics 100,000 plus the first day
  13. You might want to talk to some Old Grumpy Guy ;0)
  14. You need to strip the shirt of all those patches and pockets Brother .
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