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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by imperialissue

  1. In an attempt to aid our search and hopefully answer some questions, I dyed some fabric with BLACK rit dye to see the actual results of dying camo fabric. Hopefully this will be helpful to everyone here and help put us closer to our goal. I know that there had been talk of choosing the correct dye. Black or Brown, or maybe a mix of both. I figured that Black was a good starting point. I choose three types of fabric. The first Camo pattern (of course), the next two were colors that I chose that appeared close to a possible base color for typical camo. On the second and third fabrics I painted on a camo pattern, just for effect. Each of the fabrics took the dye at different rates. The first, the actual camo pattern took the slowest. 20-25 min. Here's the final result pictured above the fabric without dye. Second fabric took the dye the fastest. Third fabric results. The painted on camo, of course wouldn't take the dye. This was intended to be a stepping-stone to help answer some questions. I hope this was helpful and feel free to share your input.
  2. I agree 100% Thanks
  3. GREAT tutorial! Exceptional work. When applying the camo, are you applying the paint right out of the bottle or are you diluting it like you would for an airbrush?
  4. I would be interested! I'd love to see the progress pics when you get started too.
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