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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Objetivotuning

  1. Bienvenido ! Cuando puedas postea alguna foto del casco que estas armando ! Abrazo desde Argentina !
  2. I never saw a vest tutorial, mine was done by my sister inlaw, she use an image, some kind of pattern that i find here and the screen captures. She made the molds and turn it out pretty amazing. She did another one for a fellow trooper BobaLeo. Vest: http://www.objetivot...com.ar/vest.jpg Under Sleeve with armor on: http://www.objetivot...om.ar/vest2.JPG Shoulder detail: http://www.objetivot...om.ar/vest1.JPG Back detail: http://www.objetivot...om.ar/vest3.JPG
  3. Nice ! good work Leo !
  4. Esta quedando muy muy bueno ! yo lo unico que veo diferente a las imagenes de referencia de MOTM es que el borde "superior" es simetrico en sus dos mitades y en las imagenes de referencia se ve solo la mitad opuesta al cilindrito es como la diseñaste y en el borde inferior las distancias de las partes "caladas" comienzan y terminan en lugares diferentes, no posteaste las medidas pero deberia tener una ancho de unos 2,3 a 2,5cm con lo que los bordes no pueden ser mayores a 5mm, en la imagen parecen mas anchos que eso. En general se lo ve muy bueno !
  5. Nice work ! love the sniper rifle !
  6. Ariel ! is nice to see you here ! now looks closer to the pictured one, maybe the inner parts could be more raised, not that flat. Just my point of view See you around !
  7. Now we're talkin' my friend! You improve it in the right way! Cant wait to see the finished piece
  8. It a nice piece, great work, but no really that accurate comparing with the greeblie on thermal pic in the first post.
  9. Nice find my friend !!! Hope to see it in person soon !! Ps: I want one
  10. 3cm, little more than an inch. That was good for my arms.
  11. Hi ! its made with 2 layers of light gabardine, with padding in the arms. Hope it helps. Fell free to ask if you need some advice.
  12. Thanks, its an MC Armor and the vest is XL
  13. Gracias Leo ! New Pics! And i have a new cummerbund with a more accurate fabric a new set of pouches!
  14. Hi ! This is my new flak vest, made by my sister in law ! More pics when i add the velcro for shoulder bells
  15. Nice work ! you make it look easy ! Keep going !
  16. Kit form maybe takes a lot of work, but pays off, mine really looks good with MC snout and decals.
  17. Im thinking to add some velcro at the top of the holster side, my boots are made of leather and there is not risk of tear it, but if i walk with the blaster inside the holster my boot down a couple of cm and i dont like it, looks ugly.
  18. Congrats !! i love my MC armor !! If you need help just ask =)
  19. You're right, it was near 2am, i just wanted take the pics and going to sleep See you
  20. Hi guys ! I finished my Scout !!! I rushed it so i can wear it tomorrow Friday on the CV I hope you like it, see you there !! Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  21. Looking good so far !!! Maybe you can replace the pouches for an scaled ones or modify those. Try it all with the undersuit so you can see if fits better. See you
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