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TD 5491

501st Legion Member
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About TD 5491

  • Birthday 10/05/1971

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  • Interests
    Collecting Star Wars, trooping events to help the kids!!!

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
    TD 5491
  • 501st Garrison
    Bast Alpha Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I stand with the AC 100%. I own a PGHFETT helmet and that helmet in the auction is a recast, no doubt... I would also like to add that I'm a Proud and I do mean PROUD owner of many of these bros helmets and I see first hand on how much time they put into a project just by the quality of the piece and for recasters to screw that chance for me to own them really steams my blood. Be a man, be original, inovate don't imatate....
  2. There is someone making the armor in the UK as I've seen a few 501st members listed with that costume but I think it was a "recast" of Mike's, it looked like it any way. Now I did see another 501st member start a thred a while back and he said he was working on the molding but I haven't seen a reply in months so your guess is as good as mine. I'll post if I ever find any info out as I'd still like to have a set of armor to go with my helmet.
  3. I don't know the whole story either but he's basiclly done from what I read in his post on another forum.
  4. I don't want to speak for Mike or burst anyone's bubble but I don't believe he's making the Kashyyyk armor anymore. I know he was finishing up the few orders he had for the armor and that was probably the last orders he was taking. I was supposed to get a pair myself and found a post that he was hanging it up due to a few people recasting his hard work and for several other reasons. I haven't seen him around this forum for a loooong time. It's not my place to say either way, I just wanted to give you bros a heads up. You bros may want to find another project to start or at the least you'll have to wait until someone else takes on the Challange of making this armor. SGB is still offering the helmets from time to time over at CE web site and for a cheaper price then what I paid for mine so jump on it if you can. Mike is a very talented brother and will be missed!
  5. Well from what I've read, we're all just waiting on someone to make a set of the armor so we can ALL have the fire to get the helmets done. I know I'm in no hurry to stare at a finished helmet knowing I have no armor Somebody please make some armor!!!!
  6. I finally got around to starting mine yesterday. I've had it a few months now Just been so damn busy. I have everything cut and sanded, now I just need to get the lense, do some prime action, some more sanding ect...
  7. Awsome brother, thanks!!!
  8. I could really use that picture as well bro. I'm ready to start painting my helmet and if I need to make some more cuts or changes, now would be the time. Thanks in advance! projectphenix@hotmail.com
  9. PM to you brother!
  10. Hey Mike did you get my last PM about getting certin pieces? Thanks in advance brother!!
  11. Man these are looking great so far! I can't wait to see the finished product. I've been searching like hell to find a boot that resembles the BARC with no luck I'm waiting on a quote from a local boot maker down here in the swamp where I live. I bet I won't like the price either
  12. Who would I need to contact bro? Thanks for the heads up
  13. Thanks for the reply bro:) I've been looking around for some and found a few snow boots that could be moded to resemble some but still nothing sold. I did talk with a local boot maker and he said if I have some good pictures he could probably make them. So I'm still on the hunt. Thanks again brother ! peace
  14. I've read just about all the threds in this section and besides all of them being a few weeks old, it seems that the boot quest is still afoot? (no pun, LOL)
  15. Any updates on this info? Thanks bros!
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