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Cyber Scout

501st Legion (RET)
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Cyber Scout last won the day on January 5 2012

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29 Excellent

About Cyber Scout

  • Birthday 04/11/1974

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    Si-fi lots of..Star Wars,
    Motor Bikes, Props, Trooping,
    Family :)

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  1. Hay and hope ya well I very nice put together Scout but i do have issuse with the lid, the stickers (decals) are KS and wrong they are way to light not the correct gray, and the chin cup is wrong it needs to be the correct movie shape
  2. Your doing sound dude! all good the leg elastic could have been a wee bit less floppy but no biggy dude
  3. Just to say NOOOOOOOOOOOOO lol "that feels better
  4. Aye you can tell its fiber from the inside John (lonewolf), and a KS mostly by the visor corners and the thin looking ears. Quite shocked at how thin the fiber glass is on this
  5. Yeah maybe take some of the foam out of the pouchies when you move them as will get in the way alot, agreed with Marcel on the flack vest the sleves need to sit about a centermeter or so below the bottom of the sholder bell, other the that nice build sir
  6. I'am keeping an eye on ya "FOE" let me know if ya need help
  7. Yes agreed with the knee situation for all would be Lancers, The Lancer CRL was udated well over a year ago by Marcel and myself so there should be no reason for this to happen, its no biggy and i don't want this to hold up this suit as the rest is well put together and i'am happy with it, But i'am good mood but others may not be so lucky....Mwahahahahah! LOL
  8. If not it would not take long to re-do them
  9. And i've bagged the rest of the MG for my Aliens M56 Smart Gun "LET'S ROCK!!" LOL
  10. If you were a wee bit more north i would have helped
  11. What glue did you use?
  12. It was 99.9% already there mate just needed the last few bits Well done
  13. No did not come over in any bad way buddie, (and very sorry to hear of your bad news hope it's not to bad ) What you have done is spot on to what i what as the lancer writer (and the most accuacy anal head of the group LOL) i'am now happy with this cosy it has my thumbs up "Top work sir" Oh new there one one more thing SORRY lol when you get a chance you will need to re-thread your chin cup so it's the other way so the black square is at the bottom and for me your done
  14. Hay all done well... bud still concerned on some parts being to shiney as i seid to Marcel on the phone like the blaster , snout and T.D. greebs i would if poss like them to be matt black( and matt gray for the snout)
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