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Chris L

501st Legion (RES)
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About Chris L

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Colorado Springs, CO

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Mountain Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I've noticed that. I don't know if the the armor has changed since I bought it (purchased it from SC about four years ago), but I believe the instructions actually called for two rivets: one to hold the tank to the backplate (it didn't extend far enough for one rivet to go through both the greeblie and back plate) and one to hold the greeblie to the tank, and I ended up just using the one and gluing the topper. Would it be sufficient to attach a rivet going through the greeblie hole? Unfortunately, it's a pretty strong plastic epoxy, I've had no luck cutting with a knife.
  2. It seems I used a mirrored picture for my thermal detonator, not paying proper attention to costume references, and as a result the larger greeblie is upside down, and bonded with epoxy. Is there any way to fix this without getting replacement parts, and without damaging either the resin greeblie or the ABS plastic thermal detonator?
  3. So that was a mirrored image I based it off of. From the look of it, that means I glued the larger thermal detonator greeblie on upside-down (as in, the rectangles are currently pointed up). Is that possible to remove it without damaging either the greeblie or thermal detonator, or does this mean I need to purchase replacements?
  4. Wow, I've been wearing it wrong all this time. Amazing the details I can overlook. I'll take that into account
  5. I've been working on my armor for some time now, and at long last I believe I'm done, or at least close to it. Let me know what you think, I want to know if this can be 501st approved. Tell me what you think.
  6. I've noticed the standards for costumes have risen, and as a result, I need a vest. As such, and given my lack of sewing skills, I think my best option is to buy one. Does anyone sell them? I live in the US.
  7. Grey 1138. That's awesome. In all seriousness, thanks for sharing paint colors. That'll help me a lot.
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