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501st Pathfinder
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About redpaint

  • Birthday 06/09/1975

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  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
  • Gender
  • Location
    QLD Australia

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  1. It's looking good there bigmac. Hope I can see this one before to long.
  2. well here is the finished gun. I've gone for the all black look. I haven't got around to weathering it yet. Will do some this weekend. Should do for something a bit different on troops.
  3. cheers guys, the donor gun is one of those sheap blasters you see in the cheap shops every so often. I bought it intending to have a cheap e-11 clone for trooping that didn't matter if got damaged.
  4. So, I know they're not canon but I have always wanted a sniper rifle for my scout. I've been fiddling with making one for a while but have now started. Basically it's a cheap blaster and some plumbing parts and the stock is cut out of some board. My question is should I leave the stock in a timber finish or paint it black as the rest will be?
  5. good to see your making progress on this mate. You sound like your really looking forward to this.
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