Good point.
IMO what happened here is that the helmet we have now is Exactly the same as the first prototype EFX made over four years ago. They realised they had problems with the difference in materials, its impact on the pivot and the opening/closing etc - so they just put it to one side so they could concentrate on more fun projects (cus trawling around the archives and then making casts and one off prototypes is always more fun, right?)
So they delayed, one factory went bust, whatever until a load of pesky disgruntled customers contacted Disney - who then promptly asked EFX "wtf guys". So EFX then digs out the shitty prototype moulds and starts production - and I’m sure showed the Licensing team some neat PowerPoint slides on how great the Legend was going to be (spoiler: it’s not, it’s going to be the same as this - imagine a scout version of the PCR Stormtrooper helmet, only $900!).
Then cue the ex EFX employees and shills keeping a face Kellyanne Conway would be proud of, telling everyone what a great job they’d done, Rinse and repeat in a year or so for the "Legend". We got duped!