They are just 3m speedglas Headband Mounting Hardware.
You can actually just glue them on to the bolts.
I'm not sure if anyone makes actual decals. I've read some people use electrical tape others just paint it on.
Personaly I just pained mine. However, I might switch to electrical tape cuz my Han isn't as steady a it used to be : /
I usually don't post much.
You don't need to go lancer right away. I'm working on my scout now (SC) and I bought a cheap jumpsuit to save money. It's not lancer approved but it troopable. Besides kids don't really notice the difference. It's just fun to go that extra mile and make something near 100% accruate over time.
Guess what I'm trying to say is you will always be making improvements over time. I'm still making improvements to my TD and I'm deployed.