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Daala Girl

501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Daala Girl

  1. I'm a short, busty & love my biker too! I haven't really had any trouble with my chest plate. Most of the problems I hear about is with the fitting of the vest. I joined before that was a requirement & I've never gotten one. If you have some other questions about costuming as a female in Star Wars costumes, please join our ladies ONLY FB group. There you can ask all those "embarrassing" questions and get answers from other women. https://www.facebook.com/groups/341692229360888/
  2. We do have a group on Facebook just for ladies to talk about such issues. We have a few biker scouts there with large breasts who could help with theses types of issues specific to us ladies. https://www.facebook.com/groups/341692229360888/
  3. Good luck with your troooper....what ever kind you end up doing.
  4. Wow!!! I wouldn't even know where to start on a project like this! Good luck with what remains.
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