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501st Pathfinder
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14 Good

About bdgr

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Southwest OH

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  • 501st Garrison
    Ohio Garrison
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  1. Surprisingly, I initially used blue painters tape for mock ups, but it held the lens so well it is now "permanent". Haven't had any issues or the need to replace it after years and years of trooping.
  2. Untied for me.
  3. Hi Mel. Welcome back to BSN. Great to hear that you are thinking of doing a Shoretrooper in the near future. Best of luck!
  4. Looks good. One thing that could be improved is the width of the tapered cod piece. It looks a little wide at the bottom, but this maybe due to the overall cummerbund being slightly long or riding too low.
  5. Yep, my two helmets bought a couple of years apart didn't come with any lens. Had to get them myself.
  6. mlbukowski, Congrats on achieving Lancer Status! Welcome to the club.
  7. Marktoots, Congrats! Welcome to the club.
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