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501st Pathfinder
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2 Neutral

About Mosi

  • Birthday 09/12/1972

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Portland, Oregon

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Cloud City
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I have a pair of Crow/Gio boots from a couple years back that I completely forgot about. They don't fit me so I need to sell them. Pretty sure they are 10.5-11 instead of the 9.5 that I ordered. Never trooped with em! I think I paid $200 shipped so I'll go $175 shipped CONUS
  2. The best news I've heard in a long time! Way to go!
  3. ^^^^^^ I support Kevin 110%. This would be FANTASTIC!
  4. You'll never see us coming
  5. Thanks for offering it for so long! Still love mine!
  6. Mosi


    Were you just approved, or have you been holding out on us this whole time?
  7. Hey now! You forgot to post this pic! Yes.. those are droid fingers That's my wife, btw.
  8. It would also be fantastic if we can try to set a cammo pattern standard, going forward. We all know that the cammo is very difficult to duplicate, and all of our paint jobs are different from one another. This may make us look a bit odd when trooping with other KTs from other squads/garrisons. I actually used a cammo stencil for mine and it went pretty quickly. Perhaps if we were to choose a stencil, or maybe create one that can be printed, then cut out?
  9. Whoever ends up buying these, make sure you buy the ones that AREN'T windproof as they will not take dye as well and are much thicker than the hot weather type.
  10. Didn't...... tuck.... in....your..... shirt! TSK TSK! Also, are your drop pouches attached with boot laces? I would snag some correct colored leather strapping and re-do those. In fact, I have some spare material if you want to drop me some $$ for postage and I can get you some. Otherwise, looks good.
  11. Congrats, brother!
  12. Looks good! Don't forget to tuck in your shirt before taking your submission pics.
  13. Congrats! Happy hunting!
  14. Congrats! Welcome to the Elite
  15. Looks great! If only I could convince my wife to do go Fem with one of her costumes.
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