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501st Legion Member
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Apophis last won the day on March 13 2016

Apophis had the most liked content!


25 Excellent

About Apophis

  • Birthday 01/12/1980

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  • Location
    Florence, KY

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Midsouth Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. $125(ish) and you can head to Joann's and get everything you need to make your bund, pouches, vest, WW Gloves, suit off amazon, tandy leather for suede, some boots and vinyl.... Get all the soft parts out of the way while you save up for the plasticy bits.
  2. Those look great!
  3. Is it possible to mod the sole to get to Lancer? (and maybe that ugly thread on the velcro)
  4. Approval, probably... Lancer, no. Modify the soles and maybe (I'm not an expert).
  5. Can you PM these? I'm headed for fabric tomorrow (Unless it's the same as the pinned PDF... then disregard).
  6. Merry Christmas everyone! (Got my present last night.... Pre-Order of WTF armor WOOT).
  7. I'm working on it! Hold your horses...
  8. I grabbed these and gotta say they are freaking amazeballs.
  9. Woot! Thanks Dart! Now to figure out how to straighten it.... and clean it up a bit....
  10. Here's a couple pics I took tonight.... Held up good for 6 years and 3 kids under 10 playing with it a lot.... Folding Stock: Firing.... Still is nice and bright.... I've NEVER changed the battery.
  11. I haven't been active in 6ish years. I pulled out my old hold out blaster and can't for the life of me remember who made it... It's quality work, a softer foam-like material (pardon my noobishness).. It's stood kids under 10 playing with it for all this time. So the question is, who made it and is it 501st approvable? Thanks everyone.
  12. I still have this one from way back in '07 http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=2245&hl=%2Bghst915+%2Bcarbine&fromsearch=1
  13. excellent points..... As I said I am new at this and just wanted as much info as possible... thanks...
  14. Thanks... that really helped *edit on my own* on second thought... I am not experienced enough in the area of prop building and costuming to throw my .02 into the fray.... sorry...
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