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About Wags

  • Birthday 06/09/1974

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    Allen Park, Michigan

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  • 501st Garrison
    Great Lakes Garrison
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  1. Actually, those are Atin pieces DRASTICALLY cut down, and pieces added to look the same. The only pieces I made new are the biceps, belt and hip boxes for her. I do plan on making molds for all the smaller pieces and a new smaller chest and back, but I have been working 70 plus hours a week, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel till sometime in Aug.
  2. Chex, I was talking with the wife about just that. I have made smaller everything for her. Including belt boxes, just have to post pix. I think I could downsize the chest and back armor as well. Will just need some tweeking and work. Should be a fun project. I dont know why, but I love to downsize stuff. Kinda challenging for me I guess.
  3. Recon, I agree with MJ. I made a clone kit, that fit me, fit my wife. And she is 5ft 4inch. Its possible. Just takes work. And THAT.. is the fun part.. for me anyways.. lol.. Now, granted, I have remade some of her pieces, but you could definitely re size them. I just found it easier to re make them.
  4. Here are the other pieces that I have done for her. There is more work that I have done since these pix...
  5. Thanks MJ!! Its given me some challenges, thats for sure.... My buddy is making the custom Tbits for me right now. She should be done soon. I have a completed CS helmet and a unfinished one. Im going to give here the one that is finished till I get the new one done for her. Then I will use that one for my biker... if I ever get to it... lol I have to stop making her costumes.... Im going a fem biker for her as well...
  6. No worries Mike. Glad it helps!!!! More new parts made.... http://s193.photobucket.com/albums/z9/twag...0Biker%20Scout/
  7. 800 grit. You cant use to much water so no worries there. Your going to loose all the shine. That way it is even. Make sure its clean and dry and repaint. If you want a gloss finish, you do the same with the Clear gloss enamel. Sanding in between coats with 1000 grit. U just want to take off the shine between coats. Then, after your done with that, let it cure for a week. Then you come back and wax it. IF your going shiny that is. But you should be able to keep the gloss with about 3 coats of clear enamel. If you get a scratch or smudge, you can polish it out with Novice polish. Hope that helps.
  8. Ok, so I have been busy. Hope to get moving on the paint soon. I had to rebuild all her parts. Still have to size down her bells though. http://s193.photobucket.com/albums/z9/twag...0Biker%20Scout/ The smaller parts are the wifes new parts. I still have alot of work to do on mine. Here is a comparison of how small my wife's stuff is. Her pouch is on the right and mine on the left.
  9. Thanks for the input Marcel. The Dog bone trim is not glued on. Didnt want to do that till I got some feedback, the toe section looks tight due to the towel I have shoved in the boots to stretch them out while I was working on them. The problem is that the boots are soooooo small that I cant get the height on the toes so I was trying to stretch them out as best as I could. As for the soles, I can hit that with the sander and bring back the color. The wife has wore the boots a few times so they have a little weathering on the soles How much bigger do you suggest I make the dog bone? I still havent trimmed down the shin section. Everything with thumb tacks in them is NOT glued yet, so I can still do some work on it.
  10. Ok, so started on these last week. Let me know what you think. They are small. She only wears a size 6. http://s193.photobucket.com/albums/z9/twag...;cpZZ2QQtppZZ20
  11. Ok, so heres what I have so far. Dont look at the rest of the back plate. I have oodles of work to do still.
  12. Wow, how did I miss these.. I do suck at searching. Thanks Witness!!
  13. Ok, so I have scoured the boards and cant seem to find a good pic of what they look like together. Of course, I suck and searching.. Im wondering if there is a gap, or if it is nice and smooth where you cant see where they are connected. I would take a pic of what I have, but my wife seems to have hidden the camera. I havent attached them yet, but fit them up abit so far. I havent put too much work into it cause I cant find out which one is should be. And I am not going Lancer if that helps
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