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Obey Wann

501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Obey Wann

  1. Are they going to do the E-22?
  2. Thanks for (re-) posting! I'll be using that for Torri's and my builds. One more thing to order, or make...
  3. I'm going to need something with a better shipping time. I'll have cash for them next week. I just need an approveable boot here before the premiere. Preferably in the US and with wide sizes.
  4. You all made a LOT of folks mad, putting it here. I'm not happy, and there are a LOT of other folks unhappy with the decision. I've had to do a much of damage control, just in my own garrison, with people who were ready to sell their kits. Then, to come here and see so little, after we had built so much at Spec Ops... then to see almost nothing here. Bad, bad call. I love Scouts, and I like a lot of the people here. But this was a shock and a blow to all who were expecting it to go to Spec Ops. Please don't do the the Shoretrooper what you did to the Scout, making entry level virtually Level 3. There are a LOT of people who have invested a ton of money into these kits, and the parts that are available. Right now, you have made all of those people very very apprehensive. No CRL. No nothing here, compared to what we had over at Spec Ops. It's a frakking ghost town. Sorry guys, but you have some serious work to do to get people happy about this decision.
  5. Thanks for the confirmation -- SC it is for when I get the rest of the "summer scout" parts.
  6. Thanks! Yeah, that scope is amazing. I'm not a great shot, but I have hit targets to 400+ yards with it. Nothing like a laser range finder that adjusts to the drop of your round. The snow scout is fun. In time, I will get the parts to do a "summer scout" as well. I still love the original black and white version. I want to be able to swap out as the seasons change. I like what you did with the wood add-ons to modify things a bit. I think that is a great way to break of the nerf logo, or make it truly unique. I might have to try that. I went quick and simple and just painted mine, but I'd like to cover the logo (in time.)
  7. I had to upgrade to a CB helmet because my SC was just a bit too small. Before: After: I think the CB is much more proportional to my frame. The downside is getting one is a PITA.
  8. Thanks! It came with my elk rifle.. but I upgraded to a better scope. The kids love it when they can look at my blaster and see that the scope really works. http://www.burrisoptics.com/scopes/eliminator-iii-laserscope-series/eliminator-iii-laserscope-4-16x50mm
  9. I added a scope to a Nerf for my snow scout... it makes a good carbine. Like Griffin said, it's for non-canon troops... but is good for 99% of the events I do. Kids love it, and it adds something extra to the kit.
  10. Well.... Git RDone!
  11. Very cool! I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes.
  12. They have brought on some help. But IMHO, I think that until they move from producing hand-made Ferrari's to making Model T's on an assembly line, I don't know if anything will change.
  13. What a beautiful work of art!
  14. [disclaimer] I will speak up as a member of their garrison. I am not on command staff, here, there, or anywhere. I'm just a trooper who has been trooping since 2002 with the RL and since 2005 with the 501st. I have had a MC TS, a MC Imperial Navy Trooper helmet, and my snow scout is about 90% MC B-pull parts. These are my own personal thoughts, and I am not receiving anything in return for saying this... [/disclaimer] Cal (and Kathy and the rest of the shop there at Faraway Creations) are in fact, real people. Cal has been doing this for at least 10+ years, as he was an "oldbie" within my garrison when I joined in 2005. I have been to his shop and seen it in person. Yes, it does exist. It is in Loveland, Colorado, about 1.5 hours north of Denver. The topic of their wait times has come up over the years. I am sorry to say, it is a reality. That probably won't change. From what I have seen: 1) You will get your product. 2) You will never get it when you thought you would. 3) The quality is excellent. 4) MC products always sell if you have to sell a completed or uncompleted kit. 5) It will always take longer than they say it will. 6) MC is known for their meticulous (often anal retentive OCD) attention to detail. I know that Cal and Kathy are doing their best to stay on top of things. They do have a new baby, but she is no longer a newborn, so isn't eating as much time as she used to. They have brought on help to stay on top of emails, and try to get caught up. Occasionally, they do troop, and they do have a convention schedule that they go to, taking the landspeeder and backdrops, props, etc. I don't know, or claim to understand their scheduling, their queue, or how they keep up on things. They make TB, TS, TK, AT-AT driver, TIE and other parts. They have infinitely more orders than they can keep up with, a huge backlog of ordered kits, and a huge influx of incoming orders. Even if they magically got caught up with what is in their queue, I think that their demand is beyond their capacity to produce. When you add on that they trim kits from raw state, it takes even longer. Their kits are awesome. I just would not recommend them as a first kit to get you into the 501st due to how long it takes to get a kit from them. If you want to get your first kit, then order one of the jumpsuits that MC has in stock, and go IC/IN/Scanning Crew, and get your TKID. Only order a jumpsuit that they actually have in stock. Then order the hard armor and you'll get it in when you get it, but you will have had a TKID and have been trooping for a year or more. Until they get make more molds, add another vaccum-form machine or three, and stop selling trimmed kits, I don't know if it will change much.
  15. SC has been around for years. I got my first SW costume piece from them in 2002. -- a Rebel Fleet Trooper helmet. Jeff is a good guy.
  16. If you have the ability, try comparing it in size to a MG-34/DLT-19, or even to a real-world rifle or airsoft rifle. That might help with the scaling. But it looks beautiful. This build is on my to-do list, so I'm following this with great interest. Good luck!
  17. Design-wise, it is gorgeous! I think it is maybe 10-15 % too large.
  18. I found a couple of non-blurry pics from the con: The faceplate does stay up well. And I think it is more proportional on my frame, than the SC. Once Christian gets his backlog cleaned up, then I would recommend it. Until he does, it is definitely a buyer - beware. In reality, his backlog and communication issues aren't much worse as other "well known" vendors. But it would be nice to be able to say that it was safe to buy from him without reservation, and to know you could trust his estimated production and shipping times. But sadly, accurate production and shipping times are few and far between at times. If you are willing to pay for the FedEx, then you will/should actually get the helmet.
  19. Thanks for the info and feedback. I showed the bubble to Darth Hair, our resident prop maker. He recommended filling in the bubble with CA glue, then bondo and sand, paint. I wore the helmet for about 6 hours today, plus 2 or so yesterday. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive. People loved the weathering and the proportions on my frame. I tried it on every "fat head" in my Garrison and Base that was at Con this weekend. It fit everyone but one. The SC was definitely too small for me. When it all comes down to it.... It is a LARGE helmet. It fits guys who can't fit a MLC. It likely needs spit and polish and elbow grease if you want to make it match a glossy REMF scout. If you weather it, I think you can overcome some of the inherent flaws. It is your kit and each garrison has their own outlooks in levels of weathering. For the Mountain Garrison , this fits well with our other folks's kits, and I am pleased by the public's response. The bucket wasn't too heavy, and the faceplate stayed up when needed. I am not sure if I will keep the chin cup. It made donning/doffing the bucket a PITA and made closing the faceplate difficult. Ventilation was tolerable. Not sure if there is room for a fan anywhere. I just lifted the faceplate when needed. In the end.... Helmet finally arrived. I was able to match the paint and weathering in 48 hours and troop in it (finally!). And it fit my head much better than a SC or MLC. I'll call that a win!
  20. I was at a panel with Jewell Staite today. Tomorrow is Alan Tudyk.
  21. Thanks, guys! It fit everyone I tested but one, and he thought he could heat gun it open a smidge more to fit him. I will wear the full kit tomorrow at DCC and get pics. Also, I heard some encouraging things about CB changing his business model. I want to confirm it before saying more. He is still on a buyer beware list until he clears some lost orders/backlog. Once he is off that, and I confirm the new payment process, I would give him 2 thumbs up.
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