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About Feliscout

  • Birthday 10/28/1982

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  • Trooping Award Badge
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Oak Harbor, WA
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Monty Python, dinosaurs, furries, watercoloring, drawing, comics, motorcycles, costuming, kite flying, cooking and baking

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  1. Thanks y'all! I hope you do you proud!
  2. Holy ewok entrails Batman! That's AMAZING! Congrats trooper!
  3. I've been obsessively posting this everywhere! Trying to convince my Garrison scout brothers and sisters to do the same.
  4. That's awesome! I had no idea this was even a thing. I guess I'll have to figure out 12 years of troops...
  5. Those boots look great!!!!!1 Where'd you find the white under boots?
  6. I have this issue as well! I hate wearing my heavy resin blaster in my holster because it pulls the vinyl down and has caused it to tear where the holster catches the sag. I even made sure to round the corner of the plastic to avoid that. I really don't want to redo my boots, though I probably should now that I have a leather sewing awl.
  7. Hey there! We're about the same size! I'm 5'4" and 141lbs! I found scout armor by using the power of Google. Jedi Jennie has a great tutorial on fitting armor to a small frame and helped me alot. The boots I made using a tutorial here and same with the cumberbund. Someone was nice enough to send me a pattern, and I sewed it myself. I just finished a much better one a few months ago (when you think you're down, you're never done). I also just finished my new ABS bucket (my original one was Rubie's. PM me if you need any help! Sarah TB 2748
  8. Yay! Another girl TB!!!!

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