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501st Legion (RET)
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About TheWolf

  • Birthday 06/22/1969

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    Brisbane, Australia

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  • 501st Garrison
    Redback Garrison
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  1. Could it be one of those ones the costume place in asia was doing, costumebase i think they were called?
  2. Those boots are a size 10 AUS, or about 11 to 11.5 US I think. The dog bones are about 9 to 9.5 inches from end to end, from memory, and are somewhere betwen 1.5 to 2 inches at the thinest part, once again from memory. I am at work, so I can't just measure them. They were made to "look right" on that size boot, and everone that has seen them thinks they look good, and much better than they did before. I may be able to trim the dog bones thinner without removing them, or re-doing the boots from scratch, but they will be getting close to being close enough to snap when I step forward and the boot flexes. If I had have made them any 'looser', they would have arched above the boot too much. I can get some more glue to tack down some of the edge strip on the toe part, but frankly, every photo I have ever seen of the screen or display used boots are a lot less neat than mine. I think the harsh flash light just shows more detail on the white than you see for real. It certainly shows any dirt or excess glue worse than it really looks.
  3. OK, I'll look at shortening the Cummerbund, and the vest sleeves, that's easy enough to do. I could buy and cut/carve/cover new boots again too, but before I do that, could you give me a width on what you would like the dog bone to be be fore I start? The tutorial does not really have any specifics. If you need more photos let me know. I'll take them with my phone from now on, as they are a much lower resolution, and not as clear.
  4. I could just fold the vest sleeves over, and resew them shorter. That would save me having to do a heap of unpicking and resewing the sleeve ends. As for the cummerbund,m I am not quite sure what you mean.. You'd like to see less material extend below the belt lin, Or rather, none at all? All the others I have looked at seem to have the cummerbund end about even with the bottom of the belt. Is that the correct length? I can cut/sew/change that pretty easily.
  5. There you go, Taken this afternoon, here time.
  6. Hopefully these meet with your approval. And the new boots closer...
  7. Sorry, Been busy with real life. Am doing the new photos tonight as I write, and am currently half in my armor. Having issues getting the chest armor to sit right and look even, due to my small chest and big gut.... Be new photos up in a short while while.
  8. I have a small chest/fat gut issue as well. MY TK hides it a little, but the TB seems to show it off.. (too much beer... too little exercise). Anyhow, I had a critical look at my boots and decided that they are a little ragged, dirty, creased from use , and were tearing in one part, so I have re-covered them, with the softer, more flexible vinyl. They are not fully dry yet, so I have not removed the excess glue you can see in the pics. I can't actually see the glue in real light, but the flash seems to show it off well. Do you want some more 'overall' pics?
  9. Any further feedback on how this looks now guys? Your feedback and knowledge in this process is invaluable. It's amazing how much I didn't know about the finer points of the scout kit.
  10. I hope you're going to be selling these as kits once your done.. I want one of these for next year's Dreamworld Theme park troop!
  11. OK, Have altered the parts, and re-sewn the front stripes, so there are now six raised bits, seven sew lines. So here is a close up of the cummerbund now... Followed by the new all over pics..
  12. OK, After some hunting around the stores here, I managed to find some cotton webbing. It's pretty dense and stiff too, so it sits better than the other Beige stuff I was using, and this stuff is white too, so I have replaced the straps with it. The Biceps and T Pieces - Close up and together - A close up of my Cummerbund, showing the stripes/stitching... This one is hard to see when I have it all on, and it a further away photo, hence this close up. Will try to get a good close up when wearing it too, but it does tend to "flash out". The vest all alone.... (Home made as well, like the suit) Oh, And the helmet black surround lines have been removed as well.... I'll move the pouches again too, and do another set of shots this afternoon, when it's cooler to wear... PS: I just pulled in the Thigh straps by 2.5 inches, so they don;t droop so much.
  13. I have some white Poly webbing, which I could replace the lowest strapping with, is that stuff ok to use, or does it need to be cotton webbing? I'll do some good close ups of the biceps/T Pieces, vest, and the cummerbund stripes. It's hard to get photos of the white as it's pretty clean, and the flash is washing detail out. I'll put new rear decals on shortly, without the black outer lines, and I'll move the pouches. As soon as I hear back about the straps, I'll get to fixing/changing them.
  14. OK, I here are the overall shots again. After looking at some other pics, I think I may have strung my pouches too low still... Muppet beat me to it posting pics of the Motocoaster ride at Dreamworld........ Pics can be found in this thread here -> http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?show...amp;#entry62480
  15. Rodger, Will get on to that tonight and post some new pics of everything together. Been a bit busy helping people build armour and get approved for the Dreamworld troop coming up this weekend. That will be the largest troop ever in the Southern hemishpere.. I'll post a photo of all the Scouts riding the motocoaster.... (A Motorbike roller coaster).
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