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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TB94633

  1. SC does only have already built helmets, but the armor you gotta make it yourself and I'm not that handy or got any such tools at all..
  2. I'm from sweden and I'd love to join the Nordic garrison. But The thing is I dont have my outfit. So.. Where should I start? Theres some guiding me to websites where I can by almost complete sets like KS, MC, SC and such. And the thing Is I don't know which is more accurate and less work to get it "approved" when I submit pics to the 501st etc. The only thing I know right now is that I can get the gloves at WW.. So yeah, should I go t some of these website to buy a suit (which do you guys prefere?) or should I maybe try to find a seller on the forum? Since im Unemployed now, I can't really buy one but when I get a job I can buy one the moment I get payed so why not start the search and write down notes and such now? Thanks in advance! /Mike
  3. Its an awesome looking helmet
  4. And if someone is selling an altman bucket? I bet i should take that one before anything else? (sorry for the big Altman picture)
  5. I guess this would be better? Or would you have to fix them? http://www.kropserkel.com/imperial.htm
  6. I found a scout helmet on a website and I was wondering if any of you would think that this would be approved for the 501st based on the pictures? This is the site: https://www.etsy.com/se-en/listing/154273406/star-wars-biker-scout-helmet-full-size?ref=related-0
  7. Thanks a lot Griffin!
  8. But isnt an altmann's bucket very rare these days and not many sell those I've heard? Or do you know any sites that sell them?
  9. woop. soon ready to buy my first part :)

  10. Im going to buy my first bucket when I have enough money and that's very soon. But I need help. Which is better? Kropserkel or studiocreations?? Kropserkel said this when I asked them if they have already built/finished biker scout helmets and if they send them international: " Sould you wish to proceed with this order, the figures work out like this: $310 US ST ABS Helmet built $ 50 US Shipping/Insurance $360 US Item and shipping total" And when I go to SC it says: "Abs plastic - scout helmet - Deluxe helmet kit.... Shipping destination International $274 USD" Plus "Helmet assembly fee $200 (Note: the actial kit is a seperate purchase). So it's around $474 USD total link: http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/bike_armorforsale.html I guess SC is cheaper? Buuut I want to know you guys opinion about this. Should I wait till I see something good on the trade/sell thread on here? or which site do you guys prefere? Krops or sc? Why? which reason is the one better than the other and such. Thanks in advance!
  11. Wants to buy a complete Biker Scout amor :((

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