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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by zwflyboy

  1. On the pouches the horizontal 2 back ones and the front 2 drop ones are gray? Are there any others. From the screen grabs the other seem to have pretty crazy mixture (plus the shade and sun distort some of the colors). The right vertical one almost looks gray in some pics? Probably should post this ? in the soft armor section.
  2. Thanks for pointing out the tank topper. I had been using some other reference material that also had a white one. Will stick with the black.
  3. Sorry I dont post up more here. Been painting up a fellow troopers armor and have been working on the colors since the Faie bust came. In process of repainting the Tank topper white. When it comes to the green side pouches (4 colors) I found 4 that are a really good match. Base color is pale green. Camo is British international Gray/Green, Dirt, and Earth. These are testors and polly scale acrylics. I found some good colors for the Tan/grey pouches that I will post up later. The British International Gray/green may also be an excellent color for the camo on the armor. Not as dark as the panzer olive green (though it may be a little too gray).
  4. Amazing work so far. The clone belt I got from you guys is awesome and took paint alot better than I thought. Hopefully I can get on the list one day for a set of the clone armor (amazing looking) as well as set of this armor. Sorry if this was answered earlier but are you going to make this a 2 piece helmet with flip up face? Thanks for all your great work. Now to bookmark this thread....
  5. Have to say the scout clones in the Clone Wars movie look great. The helmet is frickin awesome with a mixture of Biker Scout with EP II and III. And they are referred to as scouts. Yeah
  6. Ok just to make things worse. I was looking at the pictures of the new comic 2 pack that states kashyyyk trooper and wookie warrior. But the trooper is a BARC trooper not Kashyyyk. Look at yodanews.com.
  7. That def. could work. Now if I can get the bucket...
  8. We talked about this there and I agree. Though you do not see the Kashyyyk troopers on speeder bikes they are the obvious progression to the Biker scout. If we look at speeder bikes as the only thing bike scouts did then I would say the Barc trooper should be on these boards. On a side note I had a chance to see some of the "Kashyyyk" armor at SWW and it is very cool. Only problem is that it is Fiberglass chest won't fit around mine. Hopefully if a ABS version is made it will fit alot better. Other pieces fit great. Now if I can just find a helmet... Only bad part about calling it a Kashyyyk trooper is getting the spelling right.
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