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501st Legion (RET)
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Spider last won the day on December 25 2012

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About Spider

  • Birthday 10/30/1971

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  1. I love it. I have to upgrade EVERYTHING. Lost a bunch of weight, age I guess, so nothing fits or attaches the way it originally did. So instead of commissioninig another set, I might do it myself.
  2. As much as I'd hate to say it, I just saw some on the bay earlier whilst poking around for another project/upgrade.
  3. You just gotta take your time skinnin' it. You can't just go at it all hack n' slash.
  4. Actually, I believe it was mushrooms. They grow at the base of the trees. Very earthy, but really add to an ewok stew.
  5. I wanna do that! I'm technically-challenged. Is it pretty easy to hook up?
  6. I got a flight suit and yes, it's baggy. But will be upgrading to a racing suit, b/c it's starting to bug me. So, I think if you want to go Lancer (I'm not) then go straight for the racing suit and bypass the flightsuit and all the mods needed.
  7. Look good. I have to make another pair myself. A little taller and a little narrower.
  8. Believe it or not, us guys have to use joiners too. But they have to match the armor pretty good. It helps if you're going dirty. Different fabrics, duck cloth canvas, flannel, etc. Put some velcro on it and wrap it!
  9. How the heck do you rig up a laser thingy? I'm dying to build a carbine.
  10. Me either, I have two small kids, so me and the wife don't get a lot of alone time. Oh, wait. That's not what you were talking about?
  11. I'll be following suit sometime soon. My boots are comfy, they look okay, but the shaft is too wide. Mine need to be more narrow and a just a touch taller. Plus, need to add some of that iron-on batting or whatever it's called. Your new ones look good.
  12. Yeah, I might give that a try just for fun. I like my velcro rig, but magnets are fun.
  13. I dig the magnet idea. I currently have a strip of industrial black fuzzy velcro on the trigger guard and ind. white hook velcro inside the holster. Not too much of a pain to take out and it holds in place.
  14. Nice job, really looks good.
  15. Holy crap! I'm ready to do a KST! I was planning before, but....
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