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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by TB4097

  1. ‘’Greetings Pathfinders, Its time to rehab my 2009 version scout. It got retired years ago because, well, life, geographic location, and well, I seemed to have added a few extra inches in the waist line. The flight suit should not look like spandex around the midsection. Rehab list: new bucket (adding Ukswrath mic) new belt and boxes new flight suit and vest new greeblies for arms new chest armor (current was damaged on back tank) possibly new boots Definitely going to be fun
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  2. Tb4097 reporting back in again. My scout is still alive and well and has trooped all over Europe since I first became a Lancer. Been one hell of a great ride. So, looking at starting a new kit, and was thinking a shore trooper. Word was, that they fall under BSN, is this true? If so, any assistance in getting this kit started would be greatly appreciated. Glad to be back.
  3. Congrats, welcome to the ranks.
  4. Once again, thank you all.
  5. Wow!. I would like to thank everyone who helped me along this journey. I will endeavor to serve BSN with the highest level of professionalism.
  6. Yeah I kind of goofed on that one Blue when I took the pics. They were outside of glove at my first event. Lesson learned
  7. No Worries Witness. It gave me a chance to fix a decal I had placed incorrectly.
  8. Can do, thanks Jabba.
  9. Here are the additional pictures as requested. Back of bucket: Biceps Bicep T-Bits Rank Stripes
  10. Thanks for the clarification on the tank stripes Marcel, I will remedy that tonight, along with those additional pictures of biceps and helmet.
  11. Helmet: SC w/MC snout and 3M bolt covers Armor: SC Vest: LSFU Soft Parts: LSFU w/ riding patches Boots: Witness Gloves: Esprit Blaster: Smitty Balaclava: UA If anything needs fixed or amended, please let me know. Notes: Rear-facing picture:the thermal det box was backwards, but has since been fixed, see last picture below Edited to add picture of tank top Edited to reflect fish hook decal was upside down, fixed decal Straps replaced using natural cotton webbing
  12. wow, looking fantastic mate.
  13. Great boots Jason. I just finished my my SC kit and you will love it. Keep up the good work.
  14. Outside of the TD (as previously mentioned) looks stellar. Great job and hope you're both happy.
  15. Nice work Ski, very nice. I think after my TB and Fett, I might have to follow your example and do a KST
  16. I actually bought that padding. Once I get it I will give you guys a review on it. It should be here in the next 2 weeks.
  17. Has anyone ever used FP before? I was looking at different options for the "stickers" on my bucket and saw them on ebay. Opinions anyone? I know MC has a set as well, but just curious. FP actually has alot of accessories just don't know how good is all. URL removed. John
  18. Greetings, I am still working on my kit (albeit slower than I hoped) and started working on my bucket. I was hoping someone who has Lancer status could take a good picture of their snout for me then email it to me as a reference point to work with. If anyone would be willing, PM me and I will reply with my email address. Thanks all. John
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